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Assembly and Smuggling

Started by Kotts, Jan 20, 2009, 04:13

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I'm adding this in a different topic for feedback, and to hammer out the kinks.
As many of you know I've been thinking  :evil:
I think I came up with a nice alternate direction for Assembly, should we choose that route, and revive.

1) The clan would still be pro war. I don't think we could do a clan with our characters we know and love so much and go another route. We would still support the Sentinels, and Red Freedom.

2)  We change affiliation with Sentinels, (this is were things take a bit more of a dramatic turn.) and go with Terra Firma. I know this will raise a few eyebrows and even have a few of you going "What!? no!" But just hear this out. (You all should know I'm way more devious then a simple Affiliation change.) Terra Firma has never -ever- had a clan in the CoT support them. This would be brand new territory we'd be treading on, and something to make us a bit unique from all the other "Rwar! smash keel!" pro-war clans. Affiliation also does not mean we have to cut ties ether. Though I'm sure this will piss of Ol Simon, and ICly I think many of you whom witnessed or heard about the "Your clan disappoints me" speech from Simon would have no problems shoving that down his throat. Again though this doesn't mean we'd cut ties. In fact (and in true terra Firma poise) We'd be supportive of the goat heads still... In many many ways...

3) We'd need a stronger purpose. One that could easily make Assembly stand alone with out the need for ARKs, or other RP orgs to make it fun, *AND* casual. On that note Kotts has done quite a bit of smuggling on Ka. I've used it as his excuse for farming money for his CSS, and other goodies. (much more entertaining then just "I did half a million missions, and farmed pearls" don't you think? :P ) Now being open about smuggling is not exactly a wise move. Naturally such an operation would need a valid cover. Like, delivery services, and transportation. See this is where the fun begins. Many things on Rubi-Ka are considered property of Omni. Notum, Spiri-Tech, Xan Artifacts, Kyr'Oczh weapons and equipment. It's very illegal to transport such goods off planet, much less sell them to other hyper corporations for research and experimentation. In sort, there is a ton of preverbal money to be made. Doing runs to gain XP, SK, Research, and AIXP would have a valid reason behind them, that we are acquiring goods to fill out a customer's order.  Not to mention the fun people can have with story telling their exploits off planet. (space pirates... Arr).

4) As I mentioned before, Money could be made in this line of work. Now we could use this finance to line our own pockets sure... but what about funding Red Freedom, or the Sentinels? In fact nothing at all stops us from assisting them like we have before. Moreover, this whole Terra Firma thing might as well be just a big cover.... *EVIL GRIN* See what i did there?

A complex in depth Clan, with an agenda, and several objectives to keep them busy, as well as a lighter hearted affiliation so doors will not be shut just because we openly follow goat skulls.


First off, when Luke first told me about this, I was raising a highly skeptical eyebrow.  Then he told me that Jen had been, in the past, considering the idea of offering cattering services, as a clan.  That made me think of what she did with her guild on SWG.  So I started to listen :P

Keep in mind that, while Luke was explaining what he thought of, the question was present in my head: "Would Jen be willing to consider this?".

"Terra Firma?  wtf?"  (lol)

When he said "Terra Firma", I said "wtf?".  I was not eager about changing affiliation.  But when he said that, if we went the line of smuggling *and* intel, it might be a good move and would help us to disaffiliate from the Sentinels to affiliate with Terra Firma.  So I decided to read carefully the description of their clan on the CoT website to understand what he meant.  And I started thinking too  ("omg! take cover! we're doomed!")

Moderate decision making
Leader: Hayden Okoli
They don't make decisions without thinking, so they're not hot heads... Meh, okay.  That's not such a big deal.
They're pro-conflict.  Good.  I don't think Assembly would suddenly start to be tree huggers.
Hayden Okoli: I've seen him a couple of times, not often.  The fact they have no supporter clan may cause for his scarce presence at the CoT sessions.

It is widely believed that if democracy did come to Rubi-Ka Okoli would be a shoe-in for high office.
Hayden Okoli is a politician through-and-through. Though he has compassion and desire for the clans to be free, he knows only bureaucracy, and so his plan for freedom is not simple.
Though he once sought to end the conflict through peaceful means, he has realized that this is an unrealistic goal.
Okay,  We were trying to do intel work while affiliated with a warrior clan.  Maybe a more politically oriented clan would fit more with the nature of our activities...  Hmmm...

Feelings about the Council of Truth:
Terra Firma whole-heartedly supports the Council in all its efforts to try to end the conflict, though it is wary of how often they seem to pander to the will of Omni-Tek. Terra Firma is an active and proud member of the Council. They believe that the Council is a good example of the effectiveness of democracy and the power of the people.
I'm good with that.

This is very interesting...

Terra Firma gets along with: Sentinels, Unionists, Vanguards.

  • Okoli supports Silverstone and his Sentinels; their deals are mostly behind closed doors, though, since the Sentinals are so unpopular.
  • Terra Firma allies itself closely with the Unionists; Okoli feels that since the Unionists are seen as the clan for the working class, it would give Terra Firma a lot of pull with a large population of the Clanners.
  • Politics need money to run, and so Terra Firma has a special place in its heart for the Vanguards clan.

Terra Firma disagrees with: Eco Warriors, New Dawn, Knights.

  • Terra Firma considers Eco Warriors's goals to be "unreasonable and infeasible".
  • Okoli thinks New Dawn's peaceful approach "both as unrealistic and in conflict with Terra Firma's desire for a diplomatic Rubi-Ka", and he thinks Omni-Tek would never support that anyway.
  • Terra Firm sees the Knights' sense of honor and justice as crude and out-dated ways of going about things. To Terra Firma, honor is nowhere near as important as results.

What the other Legacy clans think of Terra Firma:
The Sentinels see politics as a necessary part of war, and so they understand the necessity for Terra Firma.
The Unionists are pretty close to Terra Firma since Terra Firma claims to best represent every man. They are a bit skeptical of Terra Firma, though, as Terra Firma is usually too political.
Vanguards: Not specified.  Feelings about the CoT: A Mutually agreed upon solution to Clan and Omni-Tek and Clan versus Clan agression is all Alan really wishes for. The more people that get along and can come to some sort of agreement, the more people are willing to trade with him and Vanguard. Yes, it comes down to what Vanguard will gain from these meetings and his presence there.
New Dawn:: Not specified.  Feelings about the CoT: It is no secret that New Dawn as a clan has always believed in the diplomatic resolution of the disputes between Omni-Tek and the Clans. Xeavier will be more of an observer and a watcher to gauge the temper and overall design of the developing Council.
Knights: Not specified.  Feelings about the CoT: Galahad wants the Clans united as a cohesive body in order to fight off the Unredeemed and Omni-Tek threats. The inner squabbling must stop in order for everyone to see the truth and the plight of the redeemed should be come paramount.
The Eco Warriors have no time for politics, so they think that Terra Firma is wasting their time.

I found this an interesting idea for different reasons.  First off, a change of affiliation has not been seen often in the Council of Truth.  This could be very interesting to see.  Of course, Assembly is not currently active in the Council, but shall we become active again...  and have 10 members...  :)

Considering the slap in the face Commander Simon Silverstone gave Assembly, it would be plausible that Assembly would dissociate from the Sentinels.  The events related to the Rally Speech and the spat in Borealis, which led Cher to demote Sovi (even if she didn't want to), has been a bitter one to swallow.  Cher didn't swallow it, but she will follow orders.  (For those who don't remember, Silverstone ordered to stand down on Borealis; then, after his rally speech, he led an attack on Rome while PBF called people to free Borealis against the resolution of the clans in the CoT.  After these events, he basically blamed us for not going to fight...! Correct me if I'm wrong.)

Then, considering the line of work we've been doing (intel), our affiliation with the Sentinels has closed several doors.  There was no intel coming in amymore, and any attempt to gather some would be met with a finger pointed at us with the shout "Sentinels!"...  O_O  So, intel being related to politics as much as to war, it would make sense to support Terra Firma.

Lastly, Terra Firma has never gotten one supporter clan, as far as I'm aware of.  It could be interesting to see.  I have questions as to who will play Hayden Okoli.  I don't know if that ARK will have the sparkle and cohesion to play such a subtle character.  Hopefully, yes, but I know it's not easy for someone to slip in the skin of an LTC (long term character) and play it...  To be seen.  But even if it's not the case, it can't be totally bad, first; and second, having only one supporter clan would possibly make Okoli more inclined to be nice with us :P


My thoughts above are if Assembly doesn't change its line of work.  Also, it would require that we join the Council again (though I'm always present :P) and that our membership would raise.  Right now, the official roster lists us with 7 members.  A technicality, but it never prevented a clan from rejoining the Council so far.

Regarding the change of line of work, I'll post separatly.
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Luke already talked about pro-conflict orientation and change of affiliation, that I expressed myself about, in the above post.

Quote from: Kotts on Jan 20, 2009, 04:13
3) We'd need a stronger purpose. One that could easily make Assembly stand alone with out the need for ARKs, or other RP orgs to make it fun, *AND* casual.
I'm all for "fun and casual" :)  This is what made it work before, and more light hearted RP would be welcome ;)

Quote from: Kotts on Jan 20, 2009, 04:13
On that note Kotts has done quite a bit of smuggling on Ka. I've used it as his excuse for farming money for his CSS, and other goodies. (much more entertaining then just "I did half a million missions, and farmed pearls" don't you think? :P ) Now being open about smuggling is not exactly a wise move. Naturally such an operation would need a valid cover. Like, delivery services, and transportation. See this is where the fun begins.
Assembly is already used to "undisclosed contracts", so it wouldn't be so different :)  And oh dear god, we wouldn't have to warn applicants: "Now, we are affiliated with the Sentinels, so you have to be aware that..." :p

Quote from: Kotts on Jan 20, 2009, 04:13
Many things on Rubi-Ka are considered property of Omni. Notum, Spiri-Tech, Xan Artifacts, Kyr'Oczh weapons and equipment. It's very illegal to transport such goods off planet, much less sell them to other hyper corporations for research and experimentation. In sort, there is a ton of preverbal money to be made. Doing runs to gain XP, SK, Research, and AIXP would have a valid reason behind them, that we are acquiring goods to fill out a customer's order.  Not to mention the fun people can have with story telling their exploits off planet. (space pirates... Arr).
This sounds fun :D

Quote from: Kotts on Jan 20, 2009, 04:13
4) As I mentioned before, Money could be made in this line of work. Now we could use this finance to line our own pockets sure... but what about funding Red Freedom, or the Sentinels? In fact nothing at all stops us from assisting them like we have before. Moreover, this whole Terra Firma thing might as well be just a big cover.... *EVIL GRIN* See what i did there?
Yup yup. I think it's called politics ;)

Quote from: Kotts on Jan 20, 2009, 04:13
A complex in depth Clan, with an agenda, and several objectives to keep them busy, as well as a lighter hearted affiliation so doors will not be shut just because we openly follow goat skulls.
Mm hmm :)  This might also help with recruitment...

I like space pirates idea, and off-world deliveries to secret clients :D  This option offers quite a bit of freedom for RP, with a funnier approach.  We could still do intel if we wish, heck, maybe even have it easier to do so.

Okay, so, as for the rest, I guess we're all looking forward to see what the others have to say about it.

Especially Jen! :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Okay, I think it would be nice to have a little sum up of things that happened ICly, so we can see where this is going and, if need be, adjust the steering wheel.

I'm gonna be posting some logs, and mind you, that's OOC knowledge if you weren't there or if your character didn't hear about it.  Okay, I probably don't have to precise this, with the people currently involved :)  Meh, better safe than sorry!
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


To [Krishnitt]: *snickers*
To [Krishnitt]: Did you receive my last comlink message?
[Krishnitt]: I did, in fact...  *smiles*
[Krishnitt]: oh crap
To [Krishnitt]: I got yours, but it was right before the CoT, so I *trails off*  err...
To [Krishnitt]: What?
To [Krishnitt]: Y'okay?
To [Krishnitt]: Krish?
[Krishnitt]: ouch
[Krishnitt]: I hate reclaiming.....
[Krishnitt]: gives such a headache
To [Krishnitt]: You're lucky it's not more than that...  For some, it's really a nightmare.
[Krishnitt]: I also don't like people who drag their problems around for someone else to deal with
To [Krishnitt]: *smirks*  I get the picture
Xeenah grins
Xeenah walks closer, her head tilted to the side a bit
Xeenah smirks

Krishnitt: Greeting and salutations....
Xeenah: Holy poop on a stick...
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: what?
Xeenah: Dunno what you've been eating but it sharpened you up
Xeenah grins wider
Xeenah hugs Krish with a chuckle

Xeenah: Heya there
Krishnitt: sharpened me up?
Xeenah smirks
Xeenah: Yup
Krishnitt: how so?
Xeenah: Trust my foss on that one
Xeenah laughs
Krishnitt: so where are these luxurious apartments?
Xeenah grins, tilting her head to her left
Xeenah: C'mon, I'll show you
Xeenah frowns
Krishnitt: I feel...enlightened
Krishnitt smiles
Xeenah: Yeah, well, your vitals were a bit too low for my taste...  Heh
Krishnitt: twice over
Xeenah chuckles

Then enter in the Clay's apartment.

Krishnitt: wow
Krishnitt: very nice
Xeenah: By the way, if you wake up the kids, you get to put them back to bed
Krishnitt: much better than my usual place to rest my head
Xeenah smirks playfully
Krishnitt: uh...
Xeenah muffles a laugh
Krishnitt: I'll be quiet
Krishnitt grins
Xeenah: They're not -that- easy to wake up, though
Xeenah winks, grinning
Krishnitt: all the same...glad I got rid of the bot
Xeenah: Besides...  They've had quite the day, lemme tell you...
Xeenah: Wait!
Krishnitt: just tinkering...
Xeenah: That grid's a one way out
Xeenah smiles, amused
Krishnitt: I'm an engie, afterall
Krishnitt smiles impishly
Xeenah: Kotts is still trying to tinker it to make it a two way grid access, but he didn't succeed yet
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: has he smacked it yet?
Xeenah: No.  I did.
Xeenah smirks proudly
Xeenah: It's very resistant.
Krishnitt: ha!  I'll make an engie out of you yet
Xeenah: Yikes!  Don't!
Xeenah giggles
Krishnitt: this is a very nice place....
Xeenah: Thanks
Krishnitt: I am suitably impressed
Xeenah smiles warmly
Xeenah: But come on in!  The hallway's not where I let friends simmer
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah whispers: Wanna have a look around?
Krishnitt ponders where he will be simmering
Krishnitt: sure
Xeenah: carefully whispers as she approaches the arch
[snipped OOC]
Krishnitt: sure
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah whispers: Bedroom, obviously enough
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah whispers: And the twin's double crib...
Krishnitt whispers: I'll try not to think about it

Xeenah smiles softer
Krishnitt smiles

Xeenah whispers: They're fast asleep, we shouldn't wake them up
Xeenah whispers: Bathroom, so you'll know where to go if need be

Xeenah grins
Xeenah whispers: First time I saw that tub, I blinked for about thirty seconds
Xeenah whispers: It was when we were living on the Plaza
Xeenah whispers: Did you know that we received our Plaza Lux apartment from Jen, for our wedding gift?
Krishnitt whispers: no kidding....didn't know that

Xeenah smiels
Xeenah whispers: That was so unexpected...  Kotts was crapping kittens
Xeenah muffles a laugh
Krishnitt smiles

Xeenah whispers: I didn't know what they were, back then

They exit the bathroom and enter the kitchen.

Xeenah: Kitchen, again obviously enough
Xeenah: I like the low table...  Reminds me of the Monastery
Krishnitt: it *is* a nice touch
Krishnitt whistles softly
Krishnitt: nice view
Xeenah: Mm hmm
Krishnitt: does the abrupt drop ever get to you?
Xeenah: Which drop?
Xeenah: Altitude?
Krishnitt: the one right outside your window
Xeenah shakes her head
Xeenah: I don't have vertigo.  Kotts does, though.
Krishnitt nods
Krishnitt: all 'dem trees
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: He's speedy on the horizontal, he's not into mountain goating much
Xeenah grins

They go in the living room.

Xeenah: Well, the desk, duh
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: With the CoT symbol on the side, even...
Xeenah rolls her eyes, slightly grinning
Xeenah: Never thought I'd become a papah pushah
Xeenah raises an eyebrow
Krishnitt chuckles

Xeenah: Oh, I didn't replace the holoscreen...
Krishnitt: I never saw that coming either
Xeenah: Neither did I
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: nice painting
Xeenah steps over the sofa and hangs off the holoscreen
Xeenah: Hehe, it's our holoscreen.  When I flick it on, this image is replaced by whatever broadcast is on
Xeenah: Sofas and table, hah
Xeenah points to the window
Xeenah: And the terrasse with the bar
Xeenah: Gotta have a decent bar on a terrasse, right?
Xeenah chuckles, holding the holoscreen
Krishnitt: I must say....quite the upgrade from your old pad
Xeenah: Hehe
Krishnitt: indeed...a proper terrace must have a bar
Xeenah: That apartment is more my office than anything, now
Xeenah: That's the usual place for this, unless we feel like cuddling up to watch a holo
Xeenah smiles
Krishnitt: we don't feel like doing that, do we?
Krishnitt grins
Xeenah: Nope
Xeenah: Besides, it wouldn't be safe for you
Krishnitt: bot gets jealous
Xeenah grins sharply
Xeenah: You really sharpened up

Cher hangs the holoscreen back at its usual place.

Krishnitt: the threads?
Xeenah: Nope, the personality
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: hmmm....always thought I was a smartass from the beginning
Xeenah: Glad to see my hunches were right...
Xeenah: Oh no, I've never seen that side of you
Xeenah: Well
Xeenah: Maybe a tiny little bit, not long before Assembly was put on hold...
Xeenah raises an eyebrow, grinning slightly
Xeenah: Back then, I told Jen, Kotts and Ridge to keep an eye on you, did you know that?
Krishnitt: well...we never really had to opporunity to really get to know each other before the shutdown
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: no...didn't know that
Xeenah: I'm usually a good judge at people.  My foss again, I guess
Krishnitt: and my charming personality
Krishnitt winks
Xeenah chuckles

Krishnitt: you keep mentioning this foss.  what exactly is that?
Xeenah: Hah!
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: Female Opifex Sixth Sense.
Xeenah: That's how I call... that thing.
Krishnitt bursts out laughing
Krishnitt: of course
Krishnitt rolls eyes
Krishnitt: now that you mention it....I might have heard that term before
Xeenah: My mother, and her mother before her...  We're not sure how it got into our bloodline, but we do have something that we transmit to the next generation of daughters.
Krishnitt gives suspicious look
Xeenah: Strangely enough, since I gave birth to Kieran and Sai, it quieted down.
Krishnitt: I think it is something all females think they have
Xeenah shakes her head
Xeenah: You never heard of "her", have you...
Krishnitt: kinda like how all males think they can fly yalms better than females
Krishnitt: nope
Xeenah: Her name was Sara.
Xeenah: Sara Carroll.
Xeenah shrugs a little
Krishnitt: never heard of her
Xeenah: It's not easy to find traces of her.  I've heard of her at the Monastery, when I was following the teachings of Master Eyyot.
Xeenah: I'll let you dig in the Grid for that.  Look for a work called "Prophet Without Honor".
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Anyway!
Krishnitt: ok...I will put that on my "to do" list
Krishnitt grins
Xeenah: Aye aye!
Xeenah unzips the cloak and rolls her shoulders, letting it slide down
Xeenah: Being strictly a paperpusher has gotten me a bit itchy for some... action, I guess.
Xeenah: Before I take that out on the Council...
Krishnitt: you know...speaking of that
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: Mmm?
Krishnitt: I have found that I have taken a liking to a bit of....
Krishnitt: action, did you say?
Xeenah: Yup
Krishnitt: perhaps not as much as you like it
Krishnitt grins
Krishnitt: but at least I am not afraid to get out of the lab from time to time anymore
Krishnitt: don't get me wrong....most of my time is still monopolized by all the research and crafting items
Xeenah raises an eyebrow
Krishnitt: but I am finding that taking to my heels has become a bit more....exciting
Xeenah slowly grins
Krishnitt: and I definitely do still have to run form time to time
Krishnitt: *from
Xeenah: Yeah, can't let that infamous Opi good looks get sloppy
Xeenah smirks
Xeenah: Opi pride?
Xeenah chucls
Xeenah chuckles too

Krishnitt: of course not!!
Xeenah grins broadly
Xeenah: This Opi pride thing started back on my homeworld, hehe.  Damn Soli chicks...
Krishnitt: can you even imagine a bruise marring this finely chiseled face?
Xeenah: Nooo, we can't have that!
Xeenah grins
Krishnitt laughs
Xeenah tilts her head to the side, grinning

Xeenah: Hey
Krishnitt: yes?
Xeenah: Did you get a bit curious after getting my message?
Krishnitt: of course....actually...wouldn't use the term curious
Xeenah raises an interrogative eyebrow
Krishnitt: better to say...wanting to know more so I can get plans together
Xeenah laughs
Krishnitt: ok...curious
Krishnitt shrugs
Xeenah grins

Xeenah: Well
Xeenah: We were talking about action.
Xeenah: I like it.  I love it.  I need it.
Xeenah: Otherwise, I whither and dry out.
Xeenah: As simple as that.
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: When Kotts moved back from Mars with the kids...
Krishnitt: so we build or repair said craft...swoop in and kill....then leave?
Xeenah shakes her head
Xeenah: Not quite
Krishnitt: oh
Xeenah: He's been thinking - oh dear gods - and well
Xeenah slightly grins
Krishnitt: hehe.....never a dull moment when he does that
Xeenah: He's a fixer, used to the Five Fingers discount, hacking, and so on...
Xeenah: He's not the gentleman people think he is.
Krishnitt: he's not?!?!
Krishnitt feigns surprised look
Xeenah suppresses a grin

Xeenah: He hated being called Sir...  Ugh.
Krishnitt chuckles
Krishnitt: comes with the territory of becoming.....older
Xeenah: Or advisor, in his case
Xeenah: Heh
Xeenah chuckels
Krishnitt: that too
Xeenah: So, he managed to get me interested in his hair brained plan
Xeenah grins sidedly
Krishnitt: and is my turn
Krishnitt smirks
Xeenah: Maybe
Xeenah: We're looking into smuggling.
Xeenah: Off planet, preferably.  Y'know, the whole "don't shit where you live" thing.
Krishnitt: oh yes....because our reputations are so great here
Xeenah: No.
Xeenah: Because the Pols don't have as many eyes up there.
Xeenah: And clients are not as shy.
Krishnitt: there goes that action you wanted
Xeenah: We ran dry on contracts here for that reason.
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: But to do that...
Xeenah: We need a ship.
Xeenah: Ship, shuttle, air craft...  Something that flies and can hold some cargo.
Xeenah: A Yalm is way too small
Xeenah winks
Krishnitt: enter....Krishnitt....master of all that is mechanical
Krishnitt holds chin up
Xeenah: I've been -- Do you remember Mack?
Xeenah: Stonyman?
Krishnitt: never got to know him, really....talked to him a couple of times
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: but he wasn't very talkative
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: That's Mack
Xeenah: He had a fine ship...  The Talon
Xeenah: I heard it got into some trouble, so I don't know in what shape the Talon is
Xeenah: But I've been trying to get in touch with him to see if he would part from it, and for what price.
Xeenah: No luck so far, but I didn't try all my contacts yet either.
Xeenah raises an eyebrow
Krishnitt: theory, as long as it wasn't totally destroyed...
Krishnitt: it should be able to be rebuilt
Xeenah: No, not destroyed...  Unless he wrecked it since I lost touch with him
Xeenah grins sidedly
Xeenah: With Mack, it,s always possible
Krishnitt smiles
Xeenah: So, if we can get the Talon, it's gonna need repairs.
Xeenah: I'm fairly sure of that.
Xeenah: If we can't get the Talon...
Xeenah twists her mouth
Krishnitt: even if it doesn' would need a once over to make sure everything was functioning properly
Xeenah: Oh yeah.  Full check up.
Krishnitt: programs...mechanical movements
Xeenah: And, mind you, I can fly the damn thing, just not do much maintenance on it.
Xeenah: Instruments, the whole nine yards.
Xeenah: ~And what the heck is a yard anyway...~
Xeenah frowns briefly, then shrugs it off
Krishnitt: Krishnitt...Chief Engineer
Krishnitt looks lost in thought
Krishnitt snaps out of it....
Xeenah glances at Krish, an amused smile slowly forming on her lips

Krishnitt: you were saying we might not have a ship?
Krishnitt: what you smiling for?
Xeenah: If we can't get the Talon, we're gonna have to raise funds.
Xeenah: Me?  Nothing...
Xeenah smiles impishly
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah: We're gonna be looking into buying a ship, or parts...  and if we can't raise enough credits or if we can't find a decent ship with a seller that won't shoot us in the back...
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah: We gonna have to find parts, and possibly complete with some junk runs
Xeenah perks an eyebrow
Xeenah: That would be more complicated than maintenance or repairs.
Krishnitt: I remember Assembly helping out with Perennium parts
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Yeah...
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: When Kotts delivered the parts to Jaunay, he never pronounced the word Perennium.
Xeenah: "The ice cream shipment is ready.  We even got the spoons to go with it."
Xeenah giggles
Xeenah: I think Jaunay replied something like "The kids are gonna be happy!"
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: It was a nice move we did...
Xeenah sighs, smiling with nostalgia
Krishnitt: well...maybe the same thing can be done here
Krishnitt: not so much asking outside help
Xeenah: What do you mean?
Krishnitt: but just gathering the perennium...
Krishnitt: shouldn't be too hard to get the stuff
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: Plenty of smashed ships out there.
Krishnitt laughs
Xeenah smiles

Krishnitt: yeah...if I hear correctly...there is one right outside of Newland City
Xeenah: If the scavengers didn't already clean 'em all out...
Xeenah: Wartorn Valley, Newland... you name it.
Xeenah: It's almost like picking up daisies.
Xeenah: You know what daisies are, right?
Krishnitt: hmmm....don't think I have ever seen 'em
Xeenah smiles
Krishnitt: doesn't sound too difficult, though
Xeenah: It's a very common flower, grows all over the place on Earth...
Xeenah: You have access to mechanical engineering nanoprograms, right?
Krishnitt: yes
Xeenah: You can upload all kinds of techie info on you NCU
Krishnitt: though, at the moment, a skilled trader would have better
Xeenah shakes her head
Xeenah: Unless they're specialized in engineering, that won't be enough
Krishnitt: no...I mean the programs
Xeenah: 'cause then they'd be engies, right?
Krishnitt chokes
Xeenah: Well, a trader could buff you
Xeenah: Heck, Isha's still around
Xeenah: Kotts saw her not long ago, and she also sharpened up
Krishnitt: they'd never be as good of a tradeskiller as a comparable engineer...SCL-wise
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: oh wait....let me qualify that
Xeenah: Uh?
Krishnitt: an engineer that actually devotes his time and skills into tradeskills
Krishnitt: not one of those engineers that just do bots
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah chuckles
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah: So, you still have some time to dig into air crafting or whatever it's called...  We ain't got the ghost of a ship on the horizon yet
Xeenah slowly grins
Xeenah: But we will.
Krishnitt: I could probably spare a moment or two
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt grins

Xeenah: A moment or two, uh?
Xeenah: That's not what I was reading on your face earlier
Xeenah smirks
Krishnitt: foss, eh?
Xeenah: Enlightened observation
Xeenah winks
Krishnitt: ?me laughs
Krishnitt laughs
Xeenah smiles broadly
Krishnitt: yeah, well...I can still fly a yalm better than you
Xeenah: Are you challenging me?
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: You never saw Betsy at her best...
Krishnitt: wait 'til I get my stiletto
Xeenah: Hehehe
Xeenah: And when are you getting that?
Xeenah grins wider
Krishnitt: well...gee....I projects have a habit of popping up
Krishnitt winks
Xeenah muffles a laugh

Xeenah: Uh huh
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: My dad was a pilot, retired a couple of years ago
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Took me on his lap to hold the stick...
Xeenah: He had his hands outside mine, of course, hehehe
Krishnitt: that must have been fun
Xeenah: Oh yes...
Xeenah: Didn't crash his shuttle
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: always a plus
Xeenah: My first landing, though...
Xeenah shudders
Xeenah: The damn simulator is one thing, but being out for real doesn't make you see things the same way
Xeenah: I made it, but holy shit was I sweating when I turned off the engines...
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: well...yeah..I could see how real life experience would trump simulators
Xeenah: It's all in the head...
Xeenah: Did that a bazillion times on the sim, but when the thought settles in your brain that it's not a simulation this time...  Well, gotta keep the head cool
Krishnitt smiles
Xeenah: Started thinking about the "what ifs", see what I mean?
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: what if you come in too hard and go "splat"?
Xeenah: Aye
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: But I've learned to actually feel the flight, so I don't solely rely on instruments
Xeenah: When I become familiar with the sound of an engine, I don't need to check the speed on the meter anymore
Xeenah: That kind of things
Xeenah smiels
Krishnitt: cool
Xeenah sighs, smiling
Xeenah: Hehe...  Kotts asked if I knew how to fly these things...
Xeenah rolls her eyes, grinning
Xeenah: He wanted to know if I could get through the lines of Aliens
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: oh yeah...forgot about them guys
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: They're out there
Xeenah: They welcomed me when I came to Ka.
Xeenah: Got some payback on them
Xeenah smiles
Krishnitt: yeah, I heard they were handing out warm greetings to Rubi Ka's newcomers
Xeenah: Yup.  But if I can get a baby that flies and is reasonably reliable, I can do embroidery around their ships and leave while mooning them in the cockpit.
Xeenah smirks
Xeenah: With any luck, it will distract them enough that they gonna crash into one another.
Krishnitt: yeah...assuming we get one that has a body designed for that type of flight
Xeenah: We gonna have to find one
Xeenah: We'll need a sleek baby
Xeenah: Doesn't have to be unscratched and shiny
Xeenah: But it's gotta be able to dart off
Krishnitt: then we gotta think about what type of much weight to put on before it becomes undesirable
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: Engines.
Krishnitt: engines...but on a tight budget....
Xeenah: We need power.  And maneuverability.
Xeenah: Oh...  also, it shouldn't fall apart.
Xeenah smirks
Krishnitt: we may want to consider the maneuverability...
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: well...fine...burden me with particulars...
Xeenah: A shuttle, not a cargo liner.
Krishnitt: oversized yalm?
Xeenah: Actually...  If things go well...  There will be more than one.
Xeenah: Slightly bigger.
Xeenah: Ever seen the Omni dropships?
Krishnitt: yeah
Xeenah: They're not that big
Xeenah: I was thinking of something a tad bit smaller, but not too small because we'd be limited in the supplies we could smuggle.
Xeenah: Hence, the Talon.
Krishnitt: in terms of much cargo we talkin'?
Xeenah: Not sure yet...  Kotts could answer that one.
Xeenah: He's got a good idea of what we'd 'offer' to potential buyers.
Xeenah: We're not gonna be smuggling brontos, though
Xeenah giggles
Krishnitt: no zoos for clients, eh?
Xeenah: Nope!
Xeenah: Well, for something smaller maybe...  in the beginning...
Krishnitt: so up in space..we have only one of the four forces to worry about
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: no no lift or drag
Krishnitt: no gravity....
Krishnitt: just the thrust the engines provide
Krishnitt: and the ability to turn on a dime
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: The frame's gonna have to be able to take that.
Krishnitt: or so the old earth inhabitants used to say
Xeenah chuckles and nods
Xeenah: Dimes and yards...
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: I'm not particularly delicate on the babies I fly...
Krishnitt: so pay particular attention to the shocks for landings?
Krishnitt smiles
Xeenah: No no, landings are fine, you smartass
Xeenah giggles
Xeenah: But in the air, though...
Krishnitt laughs
Krishnitt: told ya so
Xeenah shakes her head slowly, grinning
Xeenah: So, what do you think?  Interested?
Krishnitt: I'll have to think about it
Krishnitt: ok...I am in
Xeenah: ~One...  Two...~
Xeenah laughs
Krishnitt grins

Xeenah: Alright!
Krishnitt: so does this little plan have Assembly approval?
Xeenah: Assembly's approval?
Xeenah: Are you kidding me?
Xeenah: We're doing it on our spare time
Xeenah winks
Krishnitt: meaning....does this mean we will ramp up Assembly and breathe new life into it
Xeenah: Dunno...
Krishnitt: opi can always hope
Xeenah: We sent a vid to Jen, about a week ago, she's caught up on Miralen
Xeenah: Family stuff
Xeenah: We invited her for a dinner, not sure we'll talk about this the first time we'll see her
Xeenah grins
Krishnitt: damn....that means no org to back us up with credits
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: and here I am all broke and whatnot
Xeenah: That's what I meant when I said that Kotts and I would need to raise funds
Krishnitt: down to my last million credits
Xeenah: Yikes.
Xeenah: But credits can be found.  Or borrowed.
Xeenah: Or invested, depending on who you talk to.
Krishnitt: I had to stop making implants for free for the new people
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: I always liked helping out this planet's newcomers
Krishnitt: oh is like you say
Krishnitt: credits can always be made
Xeenah nods again
Xeenah: It's not impossible that we find a sponsor.
Xeenah: All kinds of options open still.
Krishnitt: I'll have to talk to Golradir
Xeenah: Who's that?
Krishnitt: he is a fixer buddy of mine in Liberty
Xeenah: Oh shit... another fixer?
Xeenah pretends to wince
Xeenah grins

Krishnitt: he is about to start his own personal raids to Sector 10
Krishnitt: lots of bounties in there to be collected, from what I hear
Krishnitt: this sounds like it may be interesting to him....
Xeenah slowly tilts her chin up, understanding dawning on her face
Xeenah: Yeaaaah...
Xeenah nods slowly, grinning
Krishnitt: I may be able to convince him to offer support....even if it is only in credits
Xeenah: I've never been much of a money maker...  Hell, I still have a Finely Refined Notum chunk that I never managed to sell...
Xeenah wrinkles her nose
Krishnitt grins

Krishnitt: why haven't you given it to Isha to sell?
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah thinks
Xeenah: First...  I, err, forgot that I had that...  *blushes*  Second, when I found it was rotting in my bank, I couldn't get a hold of her...  And then it slipped my mind, heh.
Xeenah shrugs, smiling
[snipped OOC]
Xeenah: I guess I should give her a call, uh?
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: probably
Krishnitt: I have seen her around recently...
Krishnitt: so she should be on the planet
Xeenah: Actually...
Xeenah opens a link and talk quietly in her comlink
Xeenah glances at Krish, slightly grinning, while completing her call

Xeenah: There, done.
Krishnitt: what are you doing?
Xeenah nods to herself
Xeenah: Just dropped a call to Isha's voice messaging
Xeenah smirks
Xeenah: I won't forget to do it now, will I?
Krishnitt: I guess is just the sly grin you shot at mewhile making that call that has me worried
Xeenah: Nah, I was just happy that you made me think about it
Xeenah: Too much on my mind with the CoT, lately
Xeenah: ~That'll teach me to want to breathe some life back into this~
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: I should know better...  I keep saying 'Careful what you wish for, you just might get it'
Xeenah grins broadly
Krishnitt: yeah...I heard from Dimachanor that the latest meeting was quite interesting
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: I even had to shout for the first time since I took on the job
Xeenah: Silverstone and Ladypz buttheading
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: Two goat heads, what can we expect
Xeenah grins
Xeenah: It -- Hah!
Xeenah: The tax punction just kicked it...
Xeenah: Doesn't happen as much, nowadays
Xeenah makes a small smile
Krishnitt: gotta be honest when I say I don't miss that
Krishnitt smile
Xeenah chuckles

Krishnitt: not that it was all that bad
Xeenah: A thousand credits isn't bad at all
Xeenah: It's not as big a deal as it once was...  Inflation and all...
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: that my bot can beat up on bigger mobs...sometimes I am lucky enough to find that much on the bodies that Big Chicken leaves behind
Xeenah quickly muffles a laugh
Xeenah: Big Chicken?
Krishnitt: I was going to name my bot Big White Chicken, but for some reason, the program won't recognize a name that long
Krishnitt: I named my mech dog Gato
Xeenah: Gato?  Reminds me of gator...
Xeenah shudders
Xeenah: And these dogs remind me of mechdogs.
Xeenah: I hate mechdogs.
Xeenah: With a passion.
Xeenah: Mechdog lucky charm
Xeenah: See that?
Krishnitt: I can see that....but I did a little research, and found out gato means cat in a language from old earth
Krishnitt: nice
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Thanks.  It was payback from the mechdog that jumped at my face and almost unrooted my left molar, after sinking its teeth in my jaw
Xeenah: I then started to collect their canines, starting with that mechdog.
Krishnitt: ouch
Xeenah makes a thin grin
Xeenah: A tooth for a tooth
Krishnitt: so do we have a time frame for this little plot of ours?
Xeenah shakes her head
Krishnitt: just taking it day by day?
Xeenah: All is gonna depend on how we gonna have to get that ship matter taken care of...
Xeenah: Buying requires finding a seller and credits...
Xeenah: Building will require time and possibly credits too...
Xeenah: So, each option has its downsides and upsides.
Xeenah: But it can be done.
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Heck...  It -will- be done!
Krishnitt: I kinda like the building option myself
Krishnitt: the less people are involved...the better
Xeenah: Oh?  Then if we have trouble finding a ship for sale, you'd like to tinker on that?
Krishnitt: it would be fun to design a ship from scratch
Xeenah: ...or scrap?
Krishnitt: I'd have to get some help...
Krishnitt laughs
Xeenah grins

Krishnitt: well..hopefully scratch...
Xeenah: Hehe...  And what kind of help would you need?
Krishnitt: so I would probably have to get some help form some of my colleagues at the Tir School of Engineering....
Krishnitt: *from
Xeenah: That's the school Leah attended
Xeenah: Leah being Mack's fiancee...
Xeenah grins
Krishnitt: aeronautical specialists.  But they wouldn't have to know the why's..just the how's
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: They don't usually ask for the why's.  It's pretty common that engineers dig in this field.
Krishnitt: either way...from scratch or...
Krishnitt: scrap
Xeenah: Hehe
Krishnitt: have we thought of a place to do all the work?
Xeenah: Not yet
Xeenah: That's a good question...
Krishnitt: and I might have the answer
Xeenah twists her mouth, then raises her eyebrows at his last words
Xeenah: Really?
Krishnitt: well...don't know how much you remember about my past.
Xeenah: Less than I'd like to remember, I'm afraid...  heh
Krishnitt: but before I joined the clan cause, I rode the fence along with my father
Krishnitt: he was more into trading, but still tinkered a bit here and there
Xeenah nods
Xeenah: Oh, yeah, I remember that now...
Xeenah nods slowly
Krishnitt: I'll spare you the details, but omni took his life and I ended up in Assembly
Krishnitt: anyway...I am still in possession of the shop we worked out of.
Xeenah keeps her eyes on Krish, her head slightly tilting to the side
Xeenah: Did you go in there since?...
Krishnitt: before he passed, we to speak...and made it bigger to accomodate my engineering profession
Krishnitt: I have not gone there since...boarded it up and left it until I could return
Xeenah frowns slightly, concerned
Krishnitt: if I remember correctly..this may be the place we need
Krishnitt: should be big enough for a modest sized ship
Xeenah: Yeah...  Gonna be possibly twisting a blade in a wound for you, though...
Krishnitt: I have come to terms with what has happened...
Krishnitt: besides...I can't run from memories.  Damnable things have a habit of following you around
Xeenah sniffs out softly, her small smile slightly tinted with bitterness
Xeenah: They do that...
Xeenah: Well, if you think you'll be okay with going back there...
Krishnitt: the only thing I have concern about is the fact that the shop is in Newland City
Xeenah: It's your call.
Xeenah: Why is it a problem?
Xeenah: Isha lives in Newland...
Krishnitt: would have been better if it was under the protection of Clans
Xeenah shakes her head
Krishnitt: yeah, but she doesn't fly in and out of Newland in a cargo ship
Xeenah: No, but lots of cargo fly out of Newland...
Xeenah slowly grins
Xeenah: What's one more?
Xeenah grins wider
Xeenah: Also
Krishnitt: you don't think they keep records of what goes in and out of Newland?
Xeenah: Of course they do...
Xeenah: That's what hackers are fore
Xeenah beams
Krishnitt laughs

Xeenah: Another thing you gotta keep in mind
Krishnitt: of'll have to forgive me.  I don't have that tyoe of experience
Krishnitt: *type
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt smiles

Xeenah: It'll come, it'll come, I'm sure
Xeenah winks
Xeenah: It will be much less suspicious to build that ship in Newland than in Clan territories
Xeenah: Clan territories raise much more suspicion from Omni-Trans than Newland
Krishnitt: how so?  Omni has no say about what happens in Tir, for example.  Simon sees to that
Xeenah: They have no say, maybe, but it doesn't mean they have no eyes or ears.
Krishnitt: even if they knew about it, what could they do?
Xeenah: Something unusual in Newland won't ring an alarm bell in their heads as much as the same unusual thing coming from Tir or Athen
Xeenah nods
Krishnitt: well...this is all a moot point.  The shop is in Newland, afterall.
Xeenah: Yup.  A son taking over his late father's shop ain't strange.
Xeenah smiles
Krishnitt: I'll need a couple days before we move stuff in to..umm...get some things straightened out
Xeenah: You'll have plenty of days...
Xeenah: We're in no rush.
Xeenah: Kotts is off planet, trying to look for a discreet and straight seller...
Xeenah: He should be back within a month or so.
Krishnitt: while he is doing that, I'll get with my peers and figure out a plan for both options
Xeenah smiles warmly
Xeenah: Thanks a lot, Krish...
Krishnitt: maybe even tap on the shoulder of one of my current orgmates...Gengy
Xeenah: I didn't expect that much
Xeenah: Hehe
Krishnitt: what?  why..I am offended.
Krishnitt grins
Xeenah rolls her eyes, chuckling

Xeenah: Keep that up and next thing you'll know, I'm gonna start calling ya princedd
Xeenah: *princess
Krishnitt laughs
Krishnitt: don't you dare!!!
Xeenah smirks
Xeenah: Bite me
Xeenah cracks up giggling
Krishnitt: no'll just shove my teeth down my throat before I have the chance
Xeenah beams
Krishnitt: I'll just have to wait until your bent over
Krishnitt laughs
Xeenah drops her jaw, her eyes widening, chuckling

Xeenah: ...Oh now -that- is dirty!
Xeenah facepalms, giggling, shoulders bouncing
Krishnitt grins

Xeenah: ~Oh heck...~
Xeenah lowers her hands, still chuckling
Xeenah: Aye *smiling*  I think I'm gonna kick you out - but gently!
Xeenah grnis
Xeenah: The twins get up early and I gotta be ready to run after them
Xeenah: Well...  After him, should I say...
Xeenah: Kieran is the wanderer, Sai is the follower
Xeenah chuckles
Xeenah: But I can handle it...
Xeenah: Duct tape
Xeenah smirks again
Krishnitt: yeah...that should do it
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Grid or door?
Xeenah winks
Krishnitt: grid is fine
Xeenah: Many people forget there's a grid exit in here
Xeenah smiles
Xeenah: Hey...
Krishnitt: was good seeing you again
Xeenah steps closer and gives Krish a hug
Xeenah lets him go, smiling

Xeenah: Same
Krishnitt: and no accusations of being a spy, either
Krishnitt grins
Xeenah bites her lip

Xeenah: Did I?...
Xeenah blinks
Krishnitt: yep
Xeenah: Whoa...
Krishnitt: way back during my second interview to become a bonafide member of Assembly
Krishnitt: but you forgot to tell your partner
Xeenah: Oh crap...  that's a loooong time ago...
Xeenah chuckles
Krishnitt: I forget who it was
Krishnitt smiles
Xeenah: Me too...  Hehe
Krishnitt: well..until next time
Xeenah: Safe trails out htere
Krishnitt: take care!!
Xeenah smiles
Krishnitt: I try
Krishnitt: not successfully....most of the time
Krishnitt grins
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


[Assembly] Xeenah: Hello baby *winks*
[Assembly] Kotts: Heya baby
[Assembly] Xeenah: Are you doing something?
[Assembly] Kotts: gathering contraband
[Assembly] Kotts: *grins*
[Assembly] Tussa: *click*
[Assembly] Xeenah: *blink*
[Assembly] Xeenah: Oh wow
[Assembly] Xeenah: Heya there!
[Assembly] Kotts: ... ho-lee shit
[Assembly] Kotts: Heya Jenny
[Assembly] Tussa: Anyone out the-...hi Cher! Hi Kotts!
[Assembly] Kotts: *grins*
[Assembly] Xeenah: Jeeeeeeen!
[Assembly] Kotts: Boss!
[Assembly] Xeenah: *giggles*
[Assembly] Tussa: I thought no one would be around. I just landed!
[Assembly] Kotts: Landed? you were off planet then?
[Assembly] Xeenah: Oh wow *beams*
[Assembly] Tussa: Yeah, back and forth between Miralen and here
[Assembly] Xeenah: *beaming* Welcome back, then!
[Assembly] Tussa: how are you?
[Assembly] Kotts: not bad
[Assembly] Xeenah: Not bad?
[Assembly] Xeenah: Heh!
[Assembly] Xeenah: I'm feeling great!
[Assembly] Kotts: not bad *smikrs*
[Assembly] Tussa: How are the kids?
[Assembly] Xeenah: They're very lively *smug grin*
[Assembly] Xeenah:
Duct tape
[Assembly] Xeenah: *snickers*
[Assembly] Tussa: Lively, huh...
[Assembly] Kotts: wanna see them?
[Assembly] Xeenah: *grins*
[Assembly] Tussa: Um...shouldn't they be in bed now?
[Assembly] Tussa: Don't wake them up for my sake.
[Assembly] Kotts: can still peek
[Assembly] Xeenah: Not on our sleep schedule *smiles*
[Assembly] Kotts: Sai might wake up... though she won't fuss
[Assembly] Xeenah: They have their own schedule, but it's starting to fit ours, very gradually *smiles*
[Assembly] Tussa: Hehe
[Assembly] Xeenah: Hey, do you have plans for the time being, Jen?
[Assembly] Tussa: No, I don't! But I would love to see you two!
[Assembly] Xeenah: Wee!
[Assembly] Xeenah: *chuckles*
[Assembly] Kotts: *grins*

Kotts: do we have food?
Kotts: blinks
[Assembly] Xeenah: You need us to pick you up somewhere or you're okay?
Xeenah: Yes *chuckling*
[Assembly] Kotts: taxi, huh?
[Assembly] Tussa: I'm ok. I can meet you somewhere, maybe?

Xeenah: Hon, can't be out of food with the kids
Xeenah: winks
Kotts: yeah... I took Krish to my place on plaza... forgot i left food in the fridge before I left for mars
[Assembly] Xeenah: We're in -- Oh, you know that we moved?
[Assembly] Xeenah: We're now on the Harbor Lux...  Security considerations, heh
[Assembly] Kotts: more traffic
[Assembly] Tussa: Ohh! I'll go there, then.
[Assembly] Xeenah: Perfect!

Xeenah: winces
Xeenah: Eek?  Did it learn to talk yet?...
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: gasps

Kotts: hmm?
Xeenah: Oh!  Be right back hon...
Xeenah: giggles and darts off
Kotts: yeah, well it had a few choice words fo rme
[Assembly] Tussa: Knock knock
[Assembly] Xeenah: Coming! *smiling*

Xeenah: smiles and sighs
Xeenah: Oh boy...
Xeenah: giggles
Tussa: hugs Cher firmly and holds her for long seconds
Xeenah: returns the hug warmly

Tussa: Look at you... you look great!
Xeenah: beams
Xeenah: Thanks!  Gods, it's good to see you!
Xeenah: But c'mon in!
Tussa: And you too!
Tussa: Thank you!
Xeenah: warmly smiles
Xeenah: Hon?
Xeenah: grins
Kotts: rins

Tussa: Hey you
Kotts: Hey you
Tussa: Wow, you look almost as good as Cher, Kotts.
Xeenah: smiles, glancing between them
Tussa: smiles big

Tussa: Come here.
Kotts: few more bumps and scrapes
Kotts: chuckles and wraps his arms around her
Tussa: grabs Kotts and hugs him tightly

Kotts: How's the family?
Tussa: So-so.
Tussa: A lot of stuff has happened.
Kotts: nods
Kotts: same
Tussa: looks around
Tussa: I get to see them without waking them up?
Tussa: grins
Xeenah: chuckles
Kotts: chuckles

Xeenah: This way
Xeenah: starts tiptoeing as she approaches the double crib
Tussa: talks softly and looks a little worried

Tussa: ~Lookit how cuuuuuuuuuute~
Kotts: smirks watching Jen
Tussa: ~And their little noses!~
Tussa: ~Do they always sleep like that?~
Tussa: points to the twins
Xeenah: ~Nope *chuckling softly*~
Kotts: ~some times, sometime Keiran pretends so he can hear what's going on~
Tussa: ~Um...which one is which?~
Tussa: ~I haven't seen them since they were only a couple months old, maybe not even that~
Xeenah: points to the baby with completely black hair
Kotts: Keiran is the one nearest you, Sai near Cher~
Xeenah: nods, smiling
Tussa: ~No trace of red there. *winks at Cher* Whose side does the blue come from?~
Kotts: ~might be resessive... not from my mom or pop.~
Xeenah: glances down at Sai as she gently stirs
Kotts: smiles slowly

Kotts: ~right on que...~
Tussa: furrows her brows, looking worried
Tussa: ~Hope we're not waking them up...~
Kotts: ~she does that... don't worry. She not a cranky child at all~
[Team] Xeenah: (( Doh!  My bad... It's Orange with a black fringe >< ))
Kotts: leans up on his tiptoes looking over Sai
Tussa: ~Are they mommy's boy and daddy's girl?~
Xeenah: ~They're trying to be~
Tussa: grins
Xeenah: grins

Kotts: ~ hehe ~
Xeenah: ~Doesn't work so well, except when they behave~
Xeenah: softly chuckles
Tussa: chuckles

: You feel the core of your being shift, as the source makes room for a divine presence. 'Ujigami' has reached enlightenment.
Kotts: ~Keiran will be a handful.. I'm sure of it. He get into anything and every thing he can~
Xeenah: ~Oh yeah...~
Tussa: ~Well, they're beautiful children, if ever I saw anything cuter than those two~
Xeenah: ~Kieran moves, and Sai... observes, I'd say~
Tussa: smiles at Kotts and Cher in turn
Kotts: nods

Tussa: ~You did well, you two~
Kotts: smiles back like a proud papa
Xeenah: smiles, blushing

Kotts: ~Yeah, we know~ *pokes his tongue out*
Xeenah: ~I confess I'm not half proud, hehe~
Tussa: giggles softly
Tussa: ~Should we leave them to their sleep?~
Tussa: tilts her head
Tussa: ~Huh...~
Tussa: ~That's the oddest thing...~
Xeenah: frowns
Tussa: looks down at the baby girl, studying her and smiling

Xeenah: ~What?~
Xeenah: follows Jen's glance and raises her eyebrows
Tussa: ~Sai. She's...~
Tussa: smiles up at Cher and waves a hand
Tussa: ~Nah, it's probably nothing~
Kotts: raises a brow~
Xeenah: ~Oh, hello there~
Tussa: looks at Sai, smiling and nodding once, almost imperceptable
Xeenah: softly talks to Sai
Xeenah: glances back up to Jen

Xeenah: ~I think she's got our female heritage...~
Kotts: watch his little girl with a smile
Xeenah: glances at Kieran

Kotts: ~something like that, yeah~
Tussa: ~Oh, I think she might have a couple of other things as well~
Xeenah: tilts her head to the side a bit
Xeenah: casts a glance at Kotts

Xeenah: ~She might...
Tussa: smiles and keeps looking at the child
Xeenah: leans over Sai and tucks her in gently
Tussa: leans over the crib, looking up at Cher for approval
Xeenah: nods
Tussa: leans down and gently touches the baby girl's cheek, smiling and barely moving her lips in an inaudible whisper

Tussa: ~Your mind is already strong for your age. With parents like these, you'll grow up to be a strong one, Sai.~
Xeenah: slowly turns her glance to Jen as she whispers
Tussa: strokes a lock of orange hair and straightens back up
Tussa: ~I wouldn't mind a couple of these myself, some day...~
Tussa: turns to Cher and smiles big
Kotts: ~You're still young Jen.. plenty of time))
Xeenah: gives a meaningful, interrogative glance to Jen
Tussa: ~What?~
Xeenah: ~Kotts and I have noticed some... odd things about Sai~
Kotts: nods
Xeenah: ~Not sure how to explain it...  It's the way she feels...~
Tussa: nods slowly
Kotts: ~she seems to know things, before she should, you know?~
Tussa: ~Let's move into the living room~
Xeenah: nods before leaning over the crib to lightly kiss the babies
Xeenah: Go back to sleep, sweetie...
Kotts: leans over keiran tucking him in
Xeenah: smiles warmly as Sai closes her eyes
Tussa: glances down at the twins and smiles softly

Tussa: Where would you have me?
Xeenah: Where you wanna be, we got the dining table, the living room chairs or the sofas
Tussa: glances at the tea pot
Kotts: and a bar on the deck
Tussa: Welll....I wouldn't mind some tea.
Xeenah: Oh yeah, that too
Tussa: chuckles
Xeenah: bites her lower lip

Kotts: tea it is
Xeenah: Duh
Xeenah: Err...  Sorry...  I just have coffee...
Xeenah: winces
Kotts: grins

Tussa: Got milk?
Kotts: addict
Xeenah: Haha
Tussa: Or powdered milk?
Kotts: yeah.. somewhere
Xeenah: We got milk, plenty of milk
Xeenah: Tons of milk
Xeenah: giggles
Tussa: Coffee with milk and sugar then, please.
Kotts: nods
Tussa: So, you were saying about Sai?
Kotts: Well you know how kids learn y exploreing? grabbing things putting them in their mouth and all?
Xeenah: pours a coffee in, hands it to Jen and sets the milk on the table
Tussa: nods
Tussa: smiles at Cher and nods a thanks

Xeenah: Well, Sai doesn't seem to need the verbal warnings...
Kotts: yeah, she doesn't. she regards the objects, anyway, but treats them like she already put them in her mouth or what have you
Xeenah: By the time I open my mouth to say "don't touch this", she already pulls back...
Kotts: nods
Tussa: Well...
Xeenah: I don't know if she reads my face or not, but she doesn't look at me before I open my mouth...  so...
Tussa: Does she ever get angry?
Kotts: we bring them a new toy or something she'ss watch Keiran do his thing, and well..
Xeenah: She didn't get angry since she came back on Ka...
Xeenah: turns to Kotts
Kotts: she threw some nasty fits on Mars
Kotts: but very few of them
Xeenah: ~You didn't tell me about that...~
Kotts: like she was making up for lost time
Xeenah: ~She did?...~
Kotts: when I got back from the hospital
Tussa: In there, just now...
Tussa: nods towards the bedroom
Xeenah: turns her eyes to Jen

Tussa: I thought I felt a little tug. You know... in here.
Tussa: points to her head
Xeenah: raises her eyebrows slightly

Tussa: Now, I don't know for sure or anything, but there is a good chance Sai has a latent talent for meta-physicism.
Xeenah: ~So I wasn't imagining things?~
Kotts: nods slowly
Tussa: I've only seen her a few times and I don't know here, but there's no precedence for me feeling anything like that if it wasn't a raw talent.
Xeenah: Well well well...
Tussa: I hope this doesn't disturb you or anything?
Xeenah: Not really...
Tussa: smiles apologetically
Kotts: She is what she is. Still my girl, nothing will change that
Xeenah: I'm okay with it.  If you remember, I had some dispositions, though I've been for a long time uncomfortable with them...
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: I call it my FOSS
Xeenah: chuckles
Tussa: Your...FOSS?
Kotts: chuckles
Xeenah: Female Opifex Sixth Sense
Tussa: chuckles
Tussa: If I'm right, and I might not be, you'll keep feeling things like that.
Tussa: It could explain bad tantrums as well.
Xeenah: Oh ho.
Tussa: It shouldn't manifest in anything but these faint, odd things you've seen so far until she's a bit older
Xeenah: I thought it was just my temper that I passed down on her
Xeenah: smirks
Tussa: chuckles

Tussa: That too!
Xeenah: winks at Kotts
Xeenah: grins
Kotts: shrugs

Kotts: that would make sense too
Xeenah: I'll probably come to you for some advice later on, then
Xeenah: nods at Jen
Xeenah: gasps

Xeenah: Oh!  Are you guys hungry?
Tussa: nods
Tussa: Please do.
Tussa: Oh!
Tussa: looks a little flushed
Kotts: Oh yeah! food!
Xeenah: chuckles
Tussa: ...I didn't eat on the shuttle since before we entered cryo...
Xeenah: winces, glancing at Kotts
Xeenah: Err, hon?...
Kotts: must starved then...
Kotts: yeah?
Tussa: Not starved, no, but I could eat.
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: I thought we had food left, but when I opened the fridge to get the milk...  Well..
Xeenah: There's only one burger left...
Kotts: right. Pizza?
Tussa: Oooh...Pizza!
Tussa: Red-Hoot?
Kotts: nods to Jen
Kotts: Pizza Hon?
Xeenah: Then pizza it is!  They got a good one in Neuters
Kotts: Ok be right back then
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: beams

Tussa: Okay!
Xeenah: Mmmm, pizza...
Tussa: How lucky are you to have a husband that fast, Cher
Kotts: taps a small device on his belt
Tussa: giggles

Kotts: poof!
Xeenah: shakes her head, chuckling softly
Xeenah: ~Fixers...~
[Assembly] Xeenah: Phased out?
Xeenah: chuckles
[Assembly] Tussa: Bit dizzy from the trip, I guess.
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: Hehe
Tussa: So...are there, I guess there isn't.
Xeenah: Is what?...
Xeenah: shakes her head slightly, taking a sip
Tussa: Oh, I was just thinking whether there are any MPs in your family, but you're both from other planets.
Xeenah: tilts her head to the side
Tussa: So if there are, I guess you wouldn't know.
Tussa: Since it only truly manifests here.
Xeenah: Well, there's mom...  Not properly an MP, but she's got that crazy intuition
Tussa: Ever have really bad anger spells?
Tussa: She, I mean
Kotts: alright!
Kotts: Pizza!
Tussa: A gun?
Tussa: Pizza! Yay!
Xeenah: Hard to tell, I've always seen her in control of herself...  But dad is careful not to argue with her
Xeenah: Ooooo
Tussa: inches closer to the table
Kotts: set the take out box on the table
Tussa: immediately reaches for a couple of slices, then stops abruptly when they're on her plate

Tussa: Oh....sorry. That was rude...
Xeenah: slides the cola cans in front of Kotts and Jen
Tussa: giggles, embarrassed

Xeenah: Casual for the win
Xeenah: grins
Kotts: hehe
Tussa: grins
Tussa: Thanks, Cher
Xeenah: takes an enthusiastic bite of her slice
Tussa: munches pizza, a look of puzzled bliss on her face
Xeenah: chuckles, munching

Tussa: Shhooooo gooo'
Xeenah: quickly covers her mouth and giggles
Tussa: No pisha is ash goo' ash 'ere
Kotts: takes a slice and takes a big bite
Kotts: nuh uh *grins cheeks full*
Xeenah: swallows and nods
Xeenah: So, who starts with the latest?
Xeenah: grins
Tussa: swallows and clears her throat

Tussa: I guess I can. You two have been good and sent me holo
Kotts: still chewing
Tussa: *holo's while we've been apart.
Tussa: I've just been busy and lazy.
Tussa: shrugs and smiles
Xeenah: chuckles

Kotts: all thing considered we needed a break
Xeenah: whistles innocently
Tussa: nods

Kotts: or at least try for one
Kotts: heh
Tussa: Well, of course.
Tussa: Not many people would think Rubi-Ka is the perfect place to raise a family.
Xeenah: I can see why...  But it depends on the family, and on the parents, I guess
Tussa: nods
Tussa: Absolutely.
Tussa: And speaking of family...that's what's taken my time.
Xeenah: Any improvement with your brother?...
Tussa: You know I have two brothers, right? Twins, a few years younger than me.
Kotts: ~they don't have the Mars mafia breathing down their neck ether~
Xeenah: slightly winces
Kotts: nods

Xeenah: Sorry to hear that...
Tussa: He was getting worse, and would stay out for days, even weeks, without letting Mum and Dad know.
Tussa: So Dad called me to come back and help them with an intervention.
Xeenah: takes another bite, listening
Tussa: Rory is well and truly neck deep in trouble.
Tussa: And he's using drugs. Hard drugs.
Kotts: twists his mouth
Xeenah: Eek
Tussa: Mhm. And it's not just him it affects.
Tussa: He and Deckan were always so close, identical twins and all.
Tussa: But after Rory started hanging with the 'wrong crowd' so to speak, Deckan has pulled back and into a shell. Which is just as sad.
Xeenah: unconsciously glances toward the bedroom then back at Jen
Tussa: It's like he's missing a link in his system; his brother.
Xeenah: nods
Tussa: So I've been trying to help my parents sort Rory out, without pushing him so far that he bounces off and is never heard of again.
Tussa: I think he's getting better. He had a very long talk with my Dad and one day only last week, he came to my room and we talked and he cried.
Tussa: It was tough
Tussa: You know...being the grown-up sister who's seen the war and all that.
Xeenah: Not sure I can imagine...  I don't have siblings
: You feel the core of your being shift, as the source makes room for a divine presence. 'Hvyshadows' has reached enlightenment.
Tussa: nods and takes a bite of pizza
Xeenah: slightly shifts, then takes a bite

Tussa: So that's me...
Xeenah: ~Why is there more englightenements on weekends, I wonder...~
Xeenah: nods
Tussa: How about you guys?
Xeenah: smiles, acknowledging the change of topic
Xeenah: Well, I've been keeping busy, sorta...  with paperwork mostly
Tussa: pops open the can of coke, then takes a sip
Tussa: Paperwork?
Xeenah: rolls her eyes, grinning, then tilts her head toward the desk down the ramp bearing a CoT sign on it
Tussa: Oh... *that* paperwork.
Xeenah: Council
Xeenah: Y'know, paperwork can actually bring some big changes?
Xeenah: As much as I used to hate it...
Xeenah: I can't deny how powerful it can be
Tussa: Oh, I know it can. It's just that I find it so tedious.
Xeenah: Yup
Xeenah: By the way, thanks for helping in the maintenance of the CoT gridforum
Xeenah: smiles
Xeenah: What's the latest you got about the Council?
Tussa: Well, I read the logs. Mostly.
Tussa: And I had a nice long chat with Steely the other day.
Tussa: I know you have Taren with you again, and that Steely would like to help too.
Tussa: And I know there's yet another bloody 'let's help the neuts out' movement in the council.
Kotts: and no PBF
Kotts: heh
Xeenah: Steely is still on the Council, he was just pulled away temporarily
Xeenah: Oh crap
Tussa: And I know that PBF has left and started his own kindergarten
Xeenah: Don't talk about this shithead
Xeenah: He's just gonna crash down in flames, he's just that good at shooting himself in the foot.  Let him be.
Xeenah: shrughs
Kotts: he's a cock anyway
Xeenah: Besides, there's gonna be some tree shaking going on with the Council very soon.
Xeenah: slowly grins
Tussa: oh yes?
Tussa: leans forward a bit, smiling cunningly
Tussa: Is it something I get to hear?
Xeenah: A Council can only work as good as the Clans who make it.
Xeenah: See where I'm going?
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: No more ghosts clans who think they can consider their membership like a mere season ticket to a stadium.
Xeenah: Then show up once every two year.
Xeenah: nods once
Tussa: Or not even that
Xeenah: Yeah...
Xeenah: Just cleaning out the roster, to start with.
Kotts: and bitch about nothing happening
Kotts: heh
Xeenah: Exactly
Kotts: Cooperneedle
Xeenah: Oh, that one was a paragon of irony
Tussa: Is she still around?
Xeenah: Eight months without showing up and she has the nerve to whine about inaction...  Yeah, she's still around
Kotts: didn't even send a rep, or a message to the council
Kotts: just stuck to PBF like a leech
Xeenah: shrugs again
Kotts: her fuck up, not mine
Xeenah: chuckles and drinks from her can
Xeenah: Yeah, well.
Xeenah: But the Council work, as stimulating as it can be for my brain, is not my favorite kind of action.
Kotts: pops the top of his can finishing his pizza witht eh other
Tussa: nods and listens while engaging in hefty pizza munching

Xeenah: And when Kotts came back from Mars with the kids...
Xeenah: He told me about a hair brained plan that turned out to appeal me very much
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: We're planning to start a little commercial "transport" business...
Xeenah: coughs theatrically
Kotts: well see initially...
Kotts: We're not leaving Ka.
Xeenah: smiles, munching
Kotts: and I'll be damned if out kids grow up to be corperate livestock
Tussa: Transport meaning smuggling, I reckon?
Kotts: So if we stay we fight.-- yup
Xeenah: swallows hard then giggles
Xeenah: How did you guess
Xeenah: grins
Kotts: Shuttle people and cargo as a cover. make stops and sell Rubi-Ka contraband
Kotts: MP hon
Xeenah: That was sarcasm, baby
Kotts: turn to Cher grinning
Xeenah: chuckles
Kotts: chuckles

Tussa: Oh, I have *noooo* idea how I could guess
Tussa: winks and nods towards Kotts
Xeenah: laughs

Tussa: I've come to know you guys well after a few years, you know.
Xeenah: whistles innocently again
Xeenah: slides her empty plate further away on the table and licks her fingers
Kotts: pops a left over pepperoni in his mouth

Kotts: We figured the money couldn't hurt outfitting us better.
Xeenah: I happen to know how to fly that kind of ship...  Thanks to Dad
Xeenah: ~And holy shit do I miss flying...~
Tussa: mimicks Cher, licks her fingers in a less-than-feminine way, accompanied with lip smacking and content murmurs, then pushes her plate aside
Kotts: and if we make good, we can funnel the outside molah into red Freedom, or Sents... hell any whom need it
Tussa: So do you have guaranteed contractors?
Xeenah: shakes her head
Xeenah: We don't even have a ship yet
Xeenah: But...
Xeenah: snickers
Tussa: It's funny you should mention smuggling and contraband...
Kotts: oh?
Xeenah: raises an eyebrow
Tussa: purses her lips and furrows her brows
Xeenah: slightly grins, watching Jen's expression

Xeenah: Okay, I'm all ears *chuckling*
Tussa: I talked with an old...acquaintance the other day.
Xeenah: takes a sip, listening
Tussa: He's employed by Omni-Tek, but he's not one of those corporation people with blinkers on.
Tussa: I suspect he couldn't care less about the company.
Xeenah: almost coughs her sip
Xeenah: swallows, then clears her throat

Tussa: In fact, he cares so little for it that he's taken out a personal vendetta against one of the higher officers.
Tussa: Colonel Kaehler.
Kotts: ... really?
Kotts: raise a brow
Xeenah: raises her eyebrows high

Xeenah: Whoa.
Tussa: Or, if it's a vendetta or not, I don't know. I don't care either, really.
Kotts: I sent hi to reclaim this week
Kotts: what's his offer?
Xeenah: So, what did he have to sa -- *chuckles
Tussa: The point is that during the conversation, he mentioned that he's stolen so much goods from the good Colonel, and that he's got no way of fencing it.
Tussa: So he asked me if I 'knew' anyone who could.
Tussa: I said I might, but didn't think more of it really.
Xeenah: Goods that can go on the legal market or not?
Kotts: leans back grinnind
Tussa: Until now.
Tussa: smiles
Tussa: Oh, it can go on the legal *clan* market.
Tussa: Because we don't care what Omni-Tek says, after all.
Kotts: Fuck them
Xeenah: Cheers to that *tilting her can*
Tussa: As long as it's not traceable to him, he's happy to share the profits with us.
Tussa: Or, in this case, you guys.
Kotts: sounds gravey
Tussa: That is...if you'd want to try fencing it.
Kotts: we coudl use the money to fund krish's blueprints
Xeenah: Oh, yeah, Krish...
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: I took the "liberty" of contacting him, mind the pun
Xeenah: winks
Tussa: I'll give you his name, but you should know that he's an oddball. Very strange guy.
Tussa: Krish, huh?
Tussa: How's he doing?
Xeenah: Mm hmm
Xeenah: He's doing very good.  In fact, my hunches seem to have been right about him
Kotts: nods to Tussa
Tussa: Is he happy in Liberty?
Xeenah: He's not the shy engie locked in his workshop that we used to know
Xeenah: Oh, happy, yeah...  But he misses us more
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: Heh, we're just that irresistible
Kotts: said several times to buzz him if we are up to anything
Xeenah: Yup yup
Xeenah: So I did
Kotts: so we did
Xeenah: chuckles
Kotts: glances at Cher

Xeenah: And he did too
Xeenah: glnces back at Kotts
Tussa: smiles and chuckles

Kotts: We got a shop, and a mechanic
Kotts: We'll need parts, or a ship
Tussa: We could just buy a ship, a small one, at least
Xeenah: Yup.  Krish's dad was Neut, before he was murdered by OT's lapdogs, which brought Krish over the fence to the Clans
Xeenah: His dad owned a shop, and he's offered to put it to good use for our plans
Kotts: that was one option
Kotts: We'd still need krish to keep it tuned up
Xeenah: Given that we find a seller for a ship, of course
Xeenah: I tried to reach Mack, didn't succeed yet
Tussa: furrows a brow
Tussa: I don't know, though....
Kotts: and if we end up trowing a rod or something in the black and we need some tone to tape it up
Xeenah: slightly frowns in curiosity, glancing at Jen
Xeenah: Hmm?
Tussa: All this talk about starting up's all well and good, but I don't know about opening up for people again. Like Krish, for instance, who's apparently grown a lot these last months....getting him excited and encouraged to come back to us, when there in truth isn't really an 'us' any more.... I don't doesn't seem right.
Xeenah: O
Tussa: I'm aware that Krish and anyone else can help out without being registered as part of our group.
Xeenah: Oh, because you're thinking of getting Assembly involved?...
Xeenah: smiles a smug grin
Tussa: Well, we're all on record for being Assembly members. Like it or not, we would be, and so would the clan name
Tussa: Even if it's in hibernation.
Tussa: Omni-Tek and whoever else would simply thing we're a sleeper cell of some kind.
Xeenah: smiles wide
Tussa: Which, I guess, we are, all of us.
Xeenah: I call that an advantage
Tussa: But yeah...I just don't want this, whatever it is, to go overboard. I'd rather be taking it slow, maybe try out a few runs first, before it's made 'public' that 'oh need something fenced? Come to us!'
Tussa: See what I mean?
Xeenah: Aye
Kotts: yup
Xeenah: Besides, we can't do otherwise then start slow
Kotts: definately
Tussa: nods
Kotts: slow, will also allow for use to loose that sleep status, or fade it some
Kotts: hence the importance of the legitimate cover
Xeenah: I believe in strong basis, so we'll need to build from scratch anyway.  At least for a ship, hehe
Xeenah: nods
Kotts: Crew is shapping up
Tussa: But I've not asked you yet, though...if that's part of your intention when you started considering this.
Tussa: To wake up Assembly, I mean.
Tussa: I just assumed so.
Kotts: if it works, definately
Xeenah: It would be nice, but we need something to work for.  That would bring in more crew than just saying we're waking up.
Xeenah: We were out of contracts and that put us to sleep.
Tussa: nods
Tussa: I wouldn't mind it myself, but I'm just wary after having burnt my fingers before.
Kotts: and cut off
Kotts: smirks
Xeenah: smiles

Kotts: well it burns, but it can also be use to cook.
Xeenah: And you got them back
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: briefly blushes

Kotts: just gotta learn.. I mean we are alive still, that's a blessing
Tussa: Much to the thanks of that guy there
Tussa: nods at Kotts and smiles
Kotts: grins

Kotts: Too much credit, but I'll take it
Xeenah: And thanks to Trybes, heh
Kotts: laughs
Xeenah: raises an eyebrow, grinning
Xeenah: turns to Jen

Tussa: Trybes?
Xeenah: Referring to Kotts' cut off fingers
Tussa: Oh...right.
Xeenah: smiles, nodding
Tussa: blinks one eye

Kotts: well.. Sudai was the one that removed them. Trybes dug up the patteren, as a peace offering
Xeenah: Didn't he get your pattern too, Jen?
Kotts: lowers his head a  bit
Tussa: nods slightly

Tussa: Don't want to think about that, really.
Xeenah: Fair enough
Tussa: A long time and a lot of water gone under bridges since then.
Tussa: I function well enough even with a few parts replaced. And I guess you do too, right?
Xeenah: glances at Kotts, refraining a comment
Tussa: But I'm excited about this, I really am!
Xeenah: turns her glance back at Jen, smiling big
Xeenah: Glad to hear that!
Tussa: The name of the guy I talked to is Jawques Loocazt.
Tussa: His call sign is Jawalooc
Xeenah: Oh, that almost sounds like a French name...
Kotts: taps his link
Tussa: Just remember that he's a bit of an oddball.
Kotts: I'll keep in in mind
Tussa: I think I will have to retire now, though. I'm poofed from the trip, there's no way around it.
Xeenah: We didn't know if you would like to involve Assembly as a clan in this small business, or if we'd keep it a personal sideline
Xeenah: Well, we still don't
Xeenah: chuckles
Tussa: Well...what would *you* like?
Xeenah: grins big
Xeenah: Need ask?
Xeenah: But it's your call, if you want to think about it further
Xeenah: smiles warmly
Kotts: For the sake of cover lets keep it low key, for now
Xeenah: nods
Kotts: Jen.. you're a good shot with a Bow right?
Xeenah: We're used to keeping contracts under cover, anyway
Tussa: I''m a fair shot
Tussa: winks
Xeenah: grins

Kotts: got any issues with possibly killing back stabbing scum bags?
Kotts: Cause we could use some muscle, in case things go south off planet
Tussa: Not at all. Did you have anything specific in mind?
Xeenah: ~Mars?~
Kotts: ~not yet~
Xeenah: nods slightly
Tussa: just looks between them and smiles

Kotts: not really, but a lot of hyper corperations want to get their paws on alot of contraband on Ka
Tussa: I hope you know you can count on me.
Tussa: You're my friends.
Kotts: It's good money off planet, good enough to try and cut out middle men, see?
Xeenah: smiles
Kotts: nods

Tussa: I'd backstab anyone to get them off your back, if I could.
Kotts: That's what I wanna here.
Kotts: hear too
Xeenah: At some point, some will inevitably try to double-cross us
Xeenah: Would be nice to have some teeth, then
Kotts: I'd count on it in the begining
Xeenah: Yeah
Kotts: We'd be no-names, 'easy picking'
Kotts: in any case we're keeping Jen up
Tussa: nods
Xeenah: We might still be crossed, but at least, we would sure get some deals done too.
Tussa: I'd love to sit down again sometime soon and hear about your adventures on Mars.
Xeenah: beams
Kotts: Heh... yeah well...
Kotts: sure
Kotts: grins
Tussa: You've told me a little here and there, but there's more under the surface, I know.
Tussa: taps her temple
Tussa: grins
Xeenah: chuckles

Kotts: uh huh
Kotts: that's cheating
Kotts: smirks
Tussa: Oh, I'm only joking.
Xeenah: Hon, you're in it up to here *levels her hand with her chin*
Kotts: haha
Xeenah: You got two women wanting to know more about that
Tussa: I wouldn't do that, unbeknownst to you.
Kotts: Nerfbat
Tussa: chuckles
Xeenah: grins

Kotts: ...
Tussa: And one that can pressure you mentally and one that can pressure you physically.
Tussa: You're in trouble now, Kotts.
Xeenah: Aye aye, that he is
Tussa: giggles
Xeenah: smirks
Xeenah: smiles warmly

Kotts: well, good thing I can run fast...
Tussa: Hrm...there's that...
Tussa: giggles more, failing to look serious.
Xeenah: *turning to Jen* Do you have to leave Ka or are you gonna be around for a while?
Tussa: I'm not leaving for a little while, so I'll be around.
Xeenah: Great!
Tussa: nods
Xeenah: beams and sighs happily

Tussa: Thank you so much for the food and drinks and for great company.
Kotts: No problem, was good seeing you again Jenny
Tussa: It's been *really* good to see you again, and the kids too!
Tussa: beams
Kotts: nods and smiles

Kotts: Yeah about time right? hehe
Tussa: Mhm
Tussa: I guess I better get going.
Tussa: smiles
Tussa: Can I use your grid, or have you put a personal lock on it?
Kotts: Alright, we'll get in touch again
Kotts: You cna use it I think
Tussa: nods
Tussa: Don't worry about Sai.
Tussa: smiles
Kotts: nods once

Tussa: It's not a bad thing to be an MP, if that is what it is.
Tussa: Or...well...I guess that's up for divided opinion, hehe
Kotts: haha
Tussa: Considering a certain someone
Tussa: points to herself
Xeenah: chuckles
Tussa: chuckles

Kotts: well, you and briy both seem to be doing ok
Kotts: so... not a bad thing
Tussa: nods
Tussa: It was great seeing you both again.
Xeenah: grins
Xeenah: It was, it really was
Tussa: And hope to see you again soon! Maybe even go out for a spin, if you can get babysitters.
Kotts: Yeah, you too.
Tussa: grins
Tussa: opens her arms wide

Tussa: Group hug!
Kotts: Should, Briy's volenteered a lot
Xeenah: hugs Jen and opens her arm to let Kotts in
Tussa: hugs them both hard
Xeenah: smiles big

Tussa: Next time, dinner at my place!
Tussa: smiles
Xeenah: Aye!
Kotts: Sure!
Tussa: I'll use the grid station here then.
Tussa: Night night, guys. And thanks for the talk!
Xeenah: Thanks!  Safe trails out there!
Kotts: Night night, luck and all that
Tussa: You too
Xeenah: watches Jen leave with a smile
Kotts: pulls his arm around Cher

[Assembly] Xeenah: Night night Jen!
Kotts: I got a good feeling abut all this
Xeenah: Oh do you now?...
Kotts: yeah
Kotts: I do
Kotts: turns his head to her
[Assembly] Tussa: Night night you two. I'm gonna shut down the comlink as well now.
Xeenah: slides her arm around his waist, smiling up at him
[Assembly] Xeenah: *smiles*
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


In The Cup

Ishabel: Tea please.
Zatchibana: Aaaah, nothing like a good cup of tea to cure the mind and rest the soul.
Zatchibana: sips
Ishabel: frowns to herself and points behind the bartender

Ishabel: No, not that one.  The other, the one you keep in the backstore.
Ishabel: smiles with assurance
Zatchibana: raises a curious eyebrow.
Zatchibana: gingerly eyes the cup of tea.
Ishabel: sets a credit chip on the counter and slides it to the barman

Ishabel: Thank you very much.  I will take care of it myself.
Ishabel: faintly nods at the other customer and proceeds to the glass table
Zatchibana: turns his head to the ceiling and eagerly runs his hand across a datapad on the table, keying in information.

Zatchibana: So this place does a special sort of tea?
Zatchibana: looks over at the woman.
Ishabel: looks at the man over her shoulder

Ishabel: They can be supplied with some better tea than what they serve to the average customer...
Ishabel: quietly smiles
Zatchibana: One...obviously not available to standard run of the mill me.
Ishabel: You have to know what you are looking for.
Ishabel: They will not offer otherwise.
Ishabel: takes a sip while consulting her HUD
Zatchibana: Intruiging. I have yet, however to find a place on this planet that sells my favourite.
Ishabel: Which is?
Zatchibana: pulls the datapad from his table and pops it onto his lap, keying in something while watching the woman.
Zatchibana: White Peach Oolong Wu-yi tea.
Ishabel: examines the man closer above the rim of her glasses
Ishabel: Mm hmm...  I am afraid you will have some trouble finding a supplier that will deliver this.  Very few people know that specific tea.
Ishabel: But I am afraid I did not catch your name, mister...?
Zatchibana: T-sun Gincho. Yourself?
Ishabel: Isha Belamonte, registered trader.
Ishabel: nods
Zatchibana: T-sun Gincho, Om-....omnipresent tea drinker.
Zatchibana: smiles at Isha, sipping his tea.
Ishabel: I have found a common trait in most tea lovers.
Zatchibana: Such is?
Ishabel: Their brain seems to work better.
Ishabel: smiles quietly and takes a sip
Zatchibana: Yeees, such allows for quite...intruiging aspects of the mind to be revealed. Ones which are often only found within the deep confines of meditation and relaxation.
Ishabel: slightly hangs her head to the side, considering him a moment
Zatchibana: eyes the darker, still hot remnants of the bottom of the cup.

Zatchibana: A shame,
Zatchibana: flicks the cup up slightly onto his shoulder.
Zatchibana: leans over and sips the last of the cup before placing it back on his shoulder.
Ishabel: frowns in curiosity

Ishabel: What are you doing?...
Zatchibana: There. Now none will be wasted.
Ishabel: Ah, a very thoughtful attention.
Zatchibana: Nothing my dear, nothing at all.
Ishabel: And how would it be wasted otherwise, if I may ask?...
Zatchibana: By this!
Zatchibana: drops his shoulder, the cup sliding perfectly down his arm and gaining speed at his elbow. down the lower half of his arm he curls it behind him, before launching the cup of the back of his hand at Isha.
Ishabel: blinks and watches the cup fly closer, her left hand raising, her right still holding her cup
Ishabel: slightly yelps as her fingers touch the cup, making it bounce aside before it shatters against the edge of the table
Ishabel: watches the shards of cup, motionless, her jaw slacked a little
Zatchibana: smiles slightly.

Zatchibana: Time for another cup of tea...
Zatchibana: rises up from his seat, heading towards the bar.
Ishabel: quickly bats eyelashes behind her eyeglasses, closing her mouth, recomposing her expression quickly

Zatchibana: Where were we?
Ishabel: I think you were throwing cups of tea across the room.
Ishabel: I must admit that if the cup made it across, your point, however, did not...  Why did you do this?
Ishabel: motions to the barman, showing the shards scattered on the table and floor
Zatchibana: I wante to see whether the information on this datapad was actually true.
Ishabel: refocuses on Zatchibana
Ishabel: Is it?
Zatchibana: Seemingly, Assembly?
Ishabel: almost imperceptibly stiffens
Ishabel: Not quite...
Ishabel: Assembly Line, to be precise.
Zatchibana: Still, the skill is apparently no less present.
Ishabel: considers him thoughtfully
Zatchibana: So, Assembly Line. Are you as anti-omni pro-sentinel as things are apparently perceived of that of Assembly?
Ishabel: Have you not heard?...
Ishabel: You may have missed it, there was not much fuss around that decision...
Zatchibana: Do tell, lest I waste this cup too.
Ishabel: Assembly has closed business, last summer.
Zatchibana: nods slowly
Zatchibana: I see...
Zatchibana: Balls.
Ishabel: Assembly Line is affiliated with them, but they ran out of contracts.
Ishabel: A business affiliation, should I precise.
Zatchibana: Riiight.
Zatchibana: keys a few things into the datapad.
Zatchibana: looks down at it and nods slowly.

Zatchibana: and what of....Jen Godfray?
Ishabel: takes off her cloak and shakes some cup shards off of it
Zatchibana: and what of Jen...Godfray?
Ishabel: slowly takes her glasses off
Ishabel: You seem to have an interest in that clan...  How would that be?
Ishabel: freezes, her eyes widening a little
Ishabel: ...I remember you.
Zatchibana: I'm just interested is all. They seem to to get things done, it is a shame they have shut. I was considering applying.
Ishabel: I remember you, now.
Zatchibana: presses his foot down against the seat.
Zatchibana: leans forwards.

Zatchibana: How so, my dear?
Zatchibana: puts a solitary hand behind his back.
Ishabel: The Happy Rebel.
Ishabel: We were sitting and discussing medical topics.
Ishabel: And, drinking tea.
Ishabel: You were, at the time, applicant or candidate with Assembly...
Ishabel: I remember being intrigued by your medical interest, considering that my HUD told me that you were - and still are - a Martial Artist.
Ishabel: smiles quietly
Zatchibana: Aaah. Yeees...
Zatchibana: slides back in his chair, resting away from propelling himself at her.
Ishabel: Now I know why your face seemed familiar to me.
Zatchibana: I have a fair concept of the medical, I would say. More so a fan of poisons and what can be done to affect the body.
Ishabel: To each their own...  I prefer to play with their minds, and then negociate the final terms with my friend, here  *patting her Ofab Silverback Mk 5*
Ishabel: After, of course, I got what I wanted from them.
Ishabel: takes a small sip
Zatchibana: You are a woman of interest, Ms Belamonte.
Ishabel: As are you, Mr. Gincho.
Zatchibana: nods
Ishabel: However, I cannot help being disappointed with your current... affiliation.
Zatchibana: finishes off his tea.
Zatchibana: prematurely swallows the tea, sighing at the sudden stealing of taste.

Zatchibana: Friends close, enemies closer my dear.
Ishabel: smiles and nods approvingly
Ishabel: A valuable lesson.
Ishabel: Any subversion down the line or are you simply gathering information?
Zatchibana: Trust, there is nothing of worth within the Digital Alliance except a large sum of money and resources. From which I would be most interested in making a permanent withdrawal.
Ishabel: smiles brighter than before
Ishabel: Is that so.
Ishabel: sips, watching him closely above the cup rim
Ishabel: Then I have another valuable less for you, given for free, even...
Ishabel: puts her glasses back on
Zatchibana: raises a curious eyebrow.

Ishabel: Money talks.
Zatchibana: How so?
Ishabel: Be very very careful if you do that.
Zatchibana: How so?
Ishabel: Credits, Mr. Gincho, are more easily traceable than raw goods.
Ishabel: Money talks.  And it can be traced.
Zatchibana: Not. If the person who withdraws them leaves the planet.
Zatchibana: and dies, in an unfortunate decompression incident.
Zatchibana: grins
Ishabel: Are you planning a trip?
Zatchibana: No, but my easily manipulated solitus bank is.
Ishabel: considers him thoughtfully
Zatchibana: Thus where the poisons play into part.
Ishabel: stands and finishes her tea
Ishabel: I see.  I do hope you know how to dose them carefully.
Zatchibana: I have been doing this for years,
Zatchibana: I have yet to unintentionally kill someone.
Ishabel: smiles slightly
Zatchibana: For now, at least.
Zatchibana: rolls the cup onto the table.
Ishabel: If, by any chance, you happen to be around for a while, you might come across some people.
Ishabel: Some callsigns that may or may not be familiar to you.
Zatchibana: I am...
Zatchibana: There.
Ishabel: Would you be interested in a business proposal?
Zatchibana: All callsigns of former Assembly members have been transferred to my NCU.
Ishabel: nods
Ishabel: Very good.
Zatchibana: Yes. If said proposal was profitable to me.
Ishabel: It could be, but you would have to work out the details with some specific people.
Zatchibana: nods, a smile upon his face.
Ishabel: I cannot speak on their behalf, however I can maybe facilitate contacts...
Zatchibana: I take payment in either credits, or White Peach Oolong Wu-yi tea.
Ishabel: smiles
Zatchibana: Facilitation would be most...acceptable.
Ishabel: That can be arranged.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: Then I agree.
Ishabel: I will have to leave shortly, but before I do, I will leave a message to someone who should contact you shortly.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: Noted. Noted Ms Belamonte.
Ishabel: Who knows, there might be a good use for either the credits you plan to... withdraw, or for your other talents, should you be interested.
Ishabel: An investment that could turn out to be interesting.
Ishabel: But!  Every investment is a potential risk.
Ishabel: shrugs
Zatchibana: Oh yes, but I know that I don't need to bet my life to ensure success.
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: Then may I suggest you leave your comlink available for a while?
Zatchibana: I am able to leave it available for an hour/
Zatchibana: Let us hope, such is sufficient.
Ishabel: grabs her cloak and slides it on
Ishabel: It was a pleasure meeting you again, Mr. Gincho.
Ishabel: extends her hand
Zatchibana: takes the hand and shakes it firmly.
Ishabel: returns the shake in kind and releases his hand

Zatchibana: Likewise. Perhaps next time you won't have a cup thrown at you.
Ishabel: I would hope so.  Shards could fall in my cup and waste -my- tea, if not yours.
Ishabel: smiles, almost smirking
Ishabel: Goodbye, Mr. Gincho.
Zatchibana: Goodbye Ms Belamonte.

Later, Cher contacted him.  The conversation did not log properly on the private channel, but they agreed to meet in Backyard 5, in Tir.

Xeenah: watches a familiar silhouette walk nearer
Zatchibana: Mrs Clay?
Xeenah: That's me
Xeenah: checks her HUD and nods to herself before looking up at him
Xeenah: C'mon on in.
Zatchibana: looks around
Xeenah: shows her palm to the seat

Xeenah: Make yourself comfy
Zatchibana: drops himself down into the seat, initially more comfortabl than he first thought.
Xeenah: So, I got this call from Isha...  The girl's an oddball but what she does, she does well.
Zatchibana: Making calls?
Xeenah: Smartass.
Xeenah: So, what is it with you infiltering DA and planning to steal from their bank?
Zatchibana: smiles
Zatchibana: I' can we say.
Xeenah: Clever?
Zatchibana: What's the word...
Xeenah: smirks
Zatchibana: Fucking their leader.
Xeenah: bursts out laughing
Xeenah: Oh and he would love it if it was litteral and if you had boobs...
Xeenah: But you don't.
Zatchibana: and he is not that way inclined.
Xeenah: But if you'd succeed, I can't say I'd be sad to hear about it...
Xeenah: ~Inclined my ass...  If it shows a pulse...~
Xeenah: coughs
Zatchibana: Ne'ertheless, a fool and his money are easily parted.
Xeenah: Good...  Let's just say he tried to mess with me and shot himself in the foot instead.  So you can guess it would put some sugar in my morning coffee if I'd hear that he got crossed.
Zatchibana: I believe the correct phrase is 'bent over and done, royally'
Xeenah: grins quickly
Xeenah: Could you get a pretty please out of him?...
Xeenah: snickers
Zatchibana: with a cherry on top?
Xeenah: Oh yeah
Xeenah: Though...  Cherries -- Nevermind
Xeenah: slightly grins
Zatchibana: have a darker mind than I first thought.
Xeenah: Necessity and experience kicking in.
Zatchibana: Failing that, I'll give him a good kicking ni.
Xeenah: I had to tone myself down before, but circumstances have changed.
Xeenah: slightly nods
Zatchibana: Circumstances always change, situations always change.
Zatchibana: tucks a part of a silk collar away under the cloak.
Xeenah: So, speaking of that, if there's a change in their bank balance...  Do you plan to do anything specific with the credits or just enjoying the taste of payback?
Zatchibana: I was thinking, seeing as Assembly closed shop, would it be worth using said amount of money to reboot them?
Xeenah: slowly grins
Xeenah: Did you ever consider investing in transports?
Xeenah: Needless to say Omni-Trans is not what I have in mind...
Zatchibana: Intruiging, what kind of transports?
Xeenah: The kind that will have a legal front and a less than legal cargo.
You feel the core of your being shift, as the source makes room for a divine presence. 'Desolaxis' has reached enlightenment.
Xeenah: I'm gonna take a risk and expose some of our plans to you.
Xeenah: Don't blow it.
Xeenah: darts a burning glance at him
Xeenah: Can I count on your discretion?
Zatchibana: As always, I'm incredibly good at keeping secrets.
Xeenah: And I'm good at reminding people of their word.  Perfect match.
Xeenah: So...
Xeenah: takes off her shades
Xeenah: There are buyers, off planet, who are looking into getting their paws on goods without having them transiting through Omni-Tek.
Zatchibana: Such a bugger that Omni-Tek company can be.
Xeenah: They won't come here to get them, though.  Too risky.
Zatchibana: has a minute amount of sarcasm in his voice.
Zatchibana: We using the orbital cannons to fire said packages?
Xeenah: Out of the question.
Xeenah: Too visible, and not enough stuff to shoot, and recollecting the package through the rest of the junk that's shipped...  Well, more trouble than it's worth.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: I'll stay silent and away from rumour and conjecture and let you contiue.
Xeenah: So, Omni-Tek and the Alien blockade stand between us and our prospective buyers.
Xeenah: We need a ship, a shuttle, something that can hold some cargo but still have plenty of maneuverability.
Xeenah: 'Cause we gonna need to thread thin between all of the above.
Xeenah: rubs her chin between her thumb and index
Xeenah: And that's where it hurts: getting the ship.
Xeenah: We got 3 options.
Zatchibana: Hmm?
Xeenah: *unfolds one finger*  Buy a whole one.  Expensive, and more easily traceable.
Xeenah: *unfolds a second finger* Get a mix of new and old parts and assemble one.
Xeenah: *unfolds a third finger* Scavange this rock to find parts and assemble one.
Xeenah: flattens her hands on her lap
Zatchibana: 'Assembly' being an imperative part of the two.
Xeenah: We got the engineer, we got the shop to assemble it.
Xeenah: We're sweating on the credits, though.
Xeenah: That limits our options significantly, as you can guess...
Zatchibana: Perhaps Ms Belamonte could work on a fuel source, seems she and I are quite good with liquids.
Xeenah: shakes her head slightly
Xeenah: Uh?
Xeenah: Translate that?
Zatchibana: For the ship.
Xeenah: Thought about it.
Xeenah: twists her mouth
Zatchibana: I am interested in aquiring White Peach Oolong Wu-yi Tea. In it's liquid form, it's one of the most purifying teas known across the whole universe. In it's powder form? It's a highly explosive combustable fuel.
Xeenah: She offered to toss some chips in the bowl, but it won't be enough to -- Wait, what?
Xeenah: Swing that one by me again?
Zatchibana: The tea, my favourite tea. in it's liquid form, is drinkable.
Zatchibana: In it's solid form, before adding water, it is highly...well...highly useable as a fuel source.
Xeenah: Are you saying we would fuel the ship with tea?
Zatchibana: Tea powder.
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: ~Well holy shit...~
Zatchibana: It's no laughing matter my dear,
Xeenah: Can't deny it's not very common
Xeenah: But we ain't got no ship to fuel.
Xeenah: See?
Xeenah: Not yet.  And from the looks of it...  Unless we find an investor or a good contact for decent prices...  We're ditched for a good while longer.
Zatchibana: Perhaps...
Zatchibana: Perhaps we could use the tea powder as a threat?
Zatchibana: Blow up a few buildings, give a few people a quickening agent to blow it up within them?
Xeenah: Against who?
Zatchibana: Charitable sources with lots of money, of course.
Zatchibana: Omni-Pol have a nice cooshty orphan fund I might add.
Xeenah: Uh huh, there goes the low profile, uh?
Xeenah: But...
Xeenah: slowly grins
Xeenah: You see, it's a shark eat shark world out there, when it comes to smuggling.
Zatchibana: How about...
Xeenah: One of them will inevitably try to cross us in a deal, at some point.
Xeenah: We will -have- to send out a message, then.  Y'know, just to make it clear?
Zatchibana: We offer them a nice 'we're coming onto the market' package, in the form of a high yield explosive?
Xeenah: We'll attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.  And we'll swat the greedy flies with the tea.
Xeenah: Hah!
Xeenah: grins broadly
Zatchibana: and upon the summers breeze, the shadows of our enemies shall be swept away in the bathing of tranqulity.
Xeenah: So, when are you gonna make a withdrawal from DA?...
Zatchibana: For when there is only us, there is peace.
Zatchibana: So far this weekend, I have withdrawn 600,000 credits.
Xeenah: Nice start...
Xeenah: Isha was offering to pour fourty millions in.
Zatchibana: I will see what I can do to up the ante. Perhaps withold sex from what's his face.
Xeenah: shudders at the mental image
Xeenah: There's a lot of bread to be made, out there...  If we can reach our buyers.
Xeenah: The ship is the key element that will get us started.
Zatchibana: We...transporting bread?
Xeenah: chuckles
Zatchibana: or metaphorically?
Xeenah: Bread like in credits.
Zatchibana: ahah
Xeenah: And butter to put on it too, even.
Xeenah: Oh yeah.
Zatchibana: and pristine knives and forks to cut into it with.
Xeenah: This Alien equipment goes for a fortune, off world...
Zatchibana: We could perhaps sell it then?
Zatchibana: flicks a small sharp object up onto his shoulder.
Xeenah: Oh, suuuure!  If we could get the damn stuff to them!  Which is exactly what we can't do, see?
Xeenah: twists her mouth
Zatchibana: We could try, at least.
Xeenah: Not without a ship.  They're a little chilly at the idea of coming here to get it.
Zatchibana: Then a ship will be our first target.
Xeenah: And we can't use the cannons to shoot it to them, with OT cargos on that trail to pick up the other stuff along it...
Xeenah: Yup.
Zatchibana: What would you call the ship?
Xeenah: Parts are easier to find, and harder to trace.
Xeenah: Oh...  Mack's Talon...
Zatchibana: 'The Godfray' may the Xan bless all who ride her?
Xeenah: grins
Xeenah: She didn't mention it yet...
Zatchibana: Mack's talon...
Xeenah: A former member.  He had a fine ship called the Talon.
Zatchibana: Aaaah.
Zatchibana: what happened to him?
Xeenah: Dunno.
Xeenah: Been trying to get a hold of him, no luck so far.
Zatchibana: Perhaps, in hearing about his ship name having been half-inched. He'll return.
Xeenah: His ship has been damaged a year or two ago, though, and I don't know if he ever gathered the funds to have it repaired...
Zatchibana: Let us hope he's still in communication range?
Xeenah: If not, we won't wait forever to fall back to plan B or C.
Xeenah: Gathering the parts won't be done overnight, so we gonna have to get started before the end of the world.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: I think it's best if I take on board what I've heard for now and do what I can to produce a resource base.
Xeenah: nods back
Xeenah: Well well, that turned out to be interesting, after all...
Xeenah: smirks
Zatchibana: smiles

Zatchibana: Ne'ertheless, it could be worse.
Zatchibana: leans his shoulder back, catching the sharp object in the hand behind him and putting it into a pocket.
Xeenah: Can't blame me for being suspicious at first after you just poofed away and come back with a DA tag
Xeenah: snickers
Zatchibana: My dear, I 'poofed' away long ago.
Zatchibana: grins
Zatchibana: and on thate note, I should bid you adeau Mrs Clay.
Zatchibana: Goodbye Mrs Clay.
Xeenah: One last thing...
Zatchibana: Yeeeees?
Xeenah: Everybody thinks Assembly's in coma.  We'd like to keep it that way, for now...  Except for a few trusted individuals that we'd like to see coming around.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: Coma, got it.
Xeenah: We got the advantage of being virtually dead, let's put that to use while it lasts.
Zatchibana: nods
Zatchibana: until next time Mrs Clay.
Xeenah: Yup!

Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


In Assembly's HQ lab

Ishabel: There are 8 parts that I still cannot process.
Kotts: nods
Ishabel: If you would have a moment...
Kotts: nods
Kotts: course I do
Ishabel: I would like to speak with you about something.  A discreet place would be suitable.
Ishabel: But I will take care of the blood plasma for you first.
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: sure

[snipped transaction in Newland]

Ishabel: My apartment is nearby.  You might remember where it is?
Kotts: I had a tail
Kotts: yup
Ishabel: You had what?
Ishabel: looks behind him
Kotts: tail. Someone was following me
Ishabel: ...Oh!  A tail, yes, yes...
Ishabel: I thought it was a real tail...
Kotts: hehe
Ishabel: This way then.
Kotts: putting some space between us

Kotts lets Isha get a headstart and meets her after a few minutes at her apartment.

Ishabel: Was your follower still there?
Kotts: nope
Ishabel: nods
Kotts: yeah this place always amazes me, heh
Ishabel: How so?
Kotts: it looks good
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: Thank you.
Kotts: so, what's on your mind kiddo?
Ishabel: takes off her cloak and carefully sets it on the back of the chair
Ishabel: I have noticed an increase in the transactions I do for you and your wife.
Kotts: nods
Ishabel: That can only mean one thing.
Kotts: Oh?
Ishabel: nods
Ishabel: Something is going on.
Ishabel: And money is involved.
Ishabel: smiles quietly
Ishabel: Tea?
Kotts: sure
Kotts: ... not powder right?
Ishabel: takes the Tea-Pot on the table and pours two cups, handing one to Kotts
Ishabel: delicately lands her shotgun on the ground and takes her cup
Kotts: sips the cup
Ishabel: shakes her head slightly

Ishabel: What do you mean?
Kotts: long story
Kotts: is it that obvious?
Ishabel: I am a trader, Kotr -- Kotts.
Ishabel: Money talks and I speak its language.
Kotts: uh crap... if you picked up on it that easy, and agent might be able too--
Ishabel: Funny you should mention a long story about tea...
Kotts: hmm?
Ishabel: Oh, don't worry.  I pick up on it because I am likely your favored fencer.  Am I?
Kotts: yeah, you are, but still
Kotts: I mean I did have a tail
Kotts: stares at his tea
Ishabel: The volume of your transactions is not high enough to attract unwanted attention.
Ishabel: Oh, yes, tea.
Ishabel: takes a sip
Ishabel: I met a tea lover that was also a former applicant or candidate of Assembly, today.
Kotts: Mmm not to Pols~
Kotts: Oh?
Ishabel: T-Sun Gincho, as he called himself.
Kotts: Oh yeah, Zatchi
Ishabel: His face felt familiar, but I could not remember where I had met him before.
Ishabel: Then I remembered.
Kotts: nods taking a sip
Ishabel: I pointed him toward your wife, who was awake at the time.
Kotts: yeah, I got a copy of the conversation
Ishabel: takes a sip, examining him above the rim of her cup
Kotts: How straight of a line are you wanting to walk Isha?
Ishabel: What do you mean?  I already offered 40 millions for the ship.
Kotts: yeah
Ishabel: I am simply waiting for the green light to make the transfer, but it will have to be done drop by drop so as to avoid raising suspicion.
Ishabel: Is this regain of activity related to this?
Kotts: yes
Ishabel: nods
Ishabel: What did you mean by how straight a line am I willing to walk?
Kotts: and the reason I asked about the straightline... Diniable plausability
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: I suggest you have a look at the account of my detention with Omni-Pol, Kotras.
Kotts: point
Ishabel: nods
Kotts: well, we're gonna smuggle contraband off planet
Ishabel: smiles quietly
Ishabel: You will need help.  I can tell you it is quite the accomplishment to get outside contacts, let alone on the black market.  But you probably know this better than I do.
Kotts: true
Kotts: which is the first flight
Kotts: making contacts, showing goods if need be
Ishabel: takes a sip and removes her shades, setting them on the table, then gives Kotts a long look
Ishabel: Let me see.
Kotts: sips
Ishabel: Where are you at, in your project?
Kotts: Ship
Ishabel: You have nothing else, no other plans?
Ishabel: How will you fund it?
Kotts: Krish, we got on board as a mechanic, and need be the one to assembly the wings
Kotts: buy it steal it, put it togeter ot any combination
Ishabel: I would advise against stealing.
Ishabel: Not for a ship.
Kotts: yeah
Kotts: parts maybe
Ishabel: nods
Ishabel: You need to have an income source.  Do you have something that can bring in steady and significant cashflow while not bringing trouble?
Kotts: Tea
Ishabel: Oh, sorry
Ishabel: reaches for the Tea-Pot
Kotts: grins slow

Kotts: no, not your tea
Kotts: Zanchi's tea
Ishabel: looks at him, confused
Kotts: in it's powder form it's highly explosive
Ishabel: considers him thoughtfully
Ishabel: Now this is very interesting...  Would it be the Peach Tea?
Kotts: deadly as a grenade, and easly injected planted, packaged...
Kotts: yeah something peach
Ishabel: ~So this is why he was asking for this flavor...~
Kotts: grins
Ishabel: I thought it was playful banter when he said he would take either credits or tea...
Ishabel: thinks
Kotts: hehe, I figure he was serious
Ishabel: Knowing that, I am certain he was.
Ishabel: ...And I pointed him to your wife.
Ishabel: thinks some more
Ishabel: He asked if I could have seeds imported.
Ishabel: takes a long sip
Kotts: nods

Ishabel: Kotras, I will tell you something.
Kotts: Mmm?
Ishabel: I can have seeds imported.  However, I would need you to do a search first.
Kotts: ok
Ishabel: You would need to access the database of the Department of Agriculture of Rubi-Ka.
Ishabel: What I need to know is what is the status of this tea on the planet.
Ishabel: If there are restrictions for growing it, or any other restriction related to it.
Ishabel: Also, I need to know if the "alternate" use of the tea is recorded in Omni-Tek's files.
Ishabel: If not...  You just might have a very interesting source for income.
Ishabel: studies his face, pausing
Kotts: even then...
Kotts: Laws can be kind of...
Kotts: well, ignored
Ishabel: Importing this, if it is a restricted matter, will prove a little more delicate than if it is not restricted.
Kotts: Mmm
Ishabel: If it is not restricted, then there will be some happy customers, and not only tea lovers.
Ishabel: smiles quietly
Ishabel: I knew of the purifying properties of this tea, but...  I could never have suspected it has another use.
Ishabel: I suppose that could also fall under the purifying category, come to think of it.
Ishabel: takes a sip, amusement flickering in her eyes
Kotts: ....
Kotts: Heh, you could say that. I never expected -you- to say it
Ishabel: Our relations have been mostly limited to transactions, in the last year.
Ishabel: quietly sets her cup on her lap
Ishabel: I will only say that I do not close my eyes anymore when firing my shotgun.  And I rarely miss.
Kotts: raises a brow
Kotts: O la la *grins*
Ishabel: A lot of water has passed under the bridge...
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: yeah, you could say that
Ishabel: I would like to be part of it.
Ishabel: However, I am not ready to rejoin Assembly.  Not before I speak with Loccin, at the very least.
Kotts: Well, ether way. connections ain't broken. far from it
Ishabel: That is, if you would still take me among your ranks.
Ishabel: Absolutely now
Ishabel: *not
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: We are still affiliated with Assembly.
Kotts: And yeah I'm pretty sure they would
Kotts: we
Kotts: Us, something
Kotts: sips
Ishabel: smiles as she bows her head
Kotts: chuckles and shrugs

Ishabel: Thank you.
Ishabel: As always, you can count on my discretion.
Ishabel: So...
Ishabel: That will be two favors I asked of you.
Ishabel: The nano-crystal, and now the database search.
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: Oh right. the nano!
Ishabel: softly laughs
Ishabel: I have a question.
Ishabel: You said you have the engineer and the shop for the ship building?
Kotts: Yeah, Krishnitt
Ishabel: raises her eyebrows, genuine surprise briefly passing on her face
Ishabel: Interesting
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: I thought he was into robotics...
Kotts: Well yes
Ishabel: takes a sip
Kotts: But he's sharp, and has a mentor, not to mention TSE
Ishabel: Tir School of Engineering?
Kotts: Not a pro, but with time, has can learn
Kotts: yup
Ishabel: There are nanoprograms for that.  He can upload the knowledge in his NCU, maybe not all at once though, but at least what he needs at the time.
Ishabel: Of course, with a proper wrangle...
Ishabel: smiles, almost smirking
Ishabel: So, you have the place and the builder, by Krishnitt.
Kotts: chuckles
Kotts: yup
Ishabel: You have the goods hunter, you.
Ishabel: You will need someone for the legal paperwork of the different aspects of the operation, then someone for contacts and trade, you will need muscles, and then you will also need a pilot.
Kotts: and a few others
Kotts: Pilot cher
Kotts: Legal stuff i figure Loccin might be able to, maybe Jen
Ishabel: raises her eyebrows again in surprise.
Kotts: Unless someone else comes along. I'd like it tight and to the letter
Ishabel: I can help partly, but a bureaucrat or someone more specialized in this aspect of commerce would be more useful.
Ishabel: I did not know that your wife knew how to pilot...
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: yeah, I never put that one together my self
Kotts: lil embarassed by it really
Ishabel: How so?
Kotts: Well her dad is
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: It would make sense he'd show is daughter how to
Ishabel: It is not automatically heriditary, however.
Ishabel: It seems you have an interesting variety of talents at hand, Kotras.
Kotts: Seems so
Ishabel: tilts her cup in a cheering gesture
Kotts: and it's coming together easy
Kotts: cheers
Ishabel: Ah, this is invaluable...
Kotts: It's a sign
Ishabel: I would not go as far as to call it a sign, but in my case, it is not surprising.
Ishabel: smiles
Ishabel: What did Ms. Godfray say of all this?
Kotts: She loves it
Ishabel: laughs
Ishabel: I would dare say that a flood has passed under the bridge, then.
Ishabel: This is going to be interesting.
Ishabel: finishes off her tea
Ishabel: You will let me know what you find about the restrictions related to this tea?
Kotts: sure
Kotts: and the nano too
Ishabel: If the results are encouraging, I will need to start dusting off a few contacts for importation.
Kotts: yeah and I need to get cracking on the nanos as what not
Kotts: hands the cup back to Isha
Kotts: thanks for the drink
Ishabel: A pleasure, as always
Ishabel: smiles
Kotts: I got some work to hamer out before I turn in
Ishabel: Would you let people know that they can call me for help?
Kotts: Sure will
Ishabel: Thank you
Ishabel: Again, no need to worry about your little increase in transactions.  It is not enough to raise suspicions and I am also careful.
Kotts: Mmm
Kotts: alright
Ishabel: nods
Kotts: I'm gonna use my own exit
Ishabel: extends her hand
Kotts: extends his hand
Ishabel: shakes it with her gloved hand

Kotts: 'll be in touch
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


After talking in private channel, Xeenah finds Monczeli in the grid.

Xeenah: Tag!
Xeenah: You're it now!
Monczeli: Wah!
Xeenah: laughs
Xeenah: ...Gotcha
Xeenah: snickers and if a digital triangle could grin, it would now
Monczeli: It would appear so.
Xeenah: Hey, how about a less digitalized location?
Monczeli: Sounds good.
Xeenah: I kinda miss my limbs in here, hehe
Xeenah: I'm right behind you
Monczeli: No... you're in front of me.
Xeenah: ...or trying to
Xeenah: for now, yes!
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: You call the place, I'm not picky
Monczeli: I'm chronically unpicky.
Xeenah: Or undecisive?
Xeenah: Okay, I'm gonna make a listing...
Monczeli: That too.
Xeenah: Reet's fireplace, Neuter's, the Cup, the Rebel, or a random skybar that we'd borrow from a clan city
Xeenah: I know of one just outside Newland, easy to get to
Monczeli: Oh, now you mention it, I haven't been to Reets since I got back.
Xeenah: It's been forever since I last went there, myself
Xeenah: Reets, then?
Monczeli: Sounds good.
Xeenah: ...Ummm, Bori grid, then whompah would be the best route.
Xeenah: See you there!

They reach the fire room in Reet's Retreat.

Xeenah: raises an eyebrow, watching the large blades pass close to the sofa
Xeenah: Hmm, those blades are about one third my height
Xeenah: grins
Xeenah: Did you get a drink?
Monczeli: No, I think I'll eat something instead.
Monczeli: carefully unwraps a Chocolate Chip Muffin
Xeenah: raises an eyebrow

Xeenah: I picked up a Bronto Cheese earlier.  Someone will have to come up with a way to eat this thing without the layers slipping aside.
Monczeli: chuckles
Xeenah: You'd think it's not rocket science, and you're right: it's burger science!
Xeenah: perks an eyebrow, grinning
Monczeli: I'm sure there's are experts on it somewhere.
Xeenah: Yeah, but they have their mouthful and they don't tell their secrets
Xeenah: Nyahaha.
Monczeli: grins
Monczeli: Probably.
Xeenah: tilts her chin slightly at him
Xeenah: So, finding your tracks back on Ka?
Monczeli: Yeah, mostly.
Xeenah: pulls a bottle of Hit-The-Floor-Jack from her pack
Xeenah: swallows a good gulp

Xeenah: ...rinces the burger down
Xeenah: Met any familiar faces except ours?
Monczeli: A couple, yeah.
Xeenah: Not many left, uh
Monczeli: grimaces
Monczeli: No.
Xeenah: nods a bit
Xeenah: I heard rumors here and there, scarce, but aside from Krish, not many remained
Xeenah: Can't blame 'em, we had to shut down for lack of business
Xeenah: Can't live on hope and thin air, y'know
Monczeli: Well, yeah.
Xeenah: faintly shrugs
Xeenah: Kotts had an idea...  At first, I was like "what the hell?"
Xeenah: chuckles
Monczeli: It's not -that- surprising.
Xeenah: Think about it...  How could we do our intel job being affiliated with the Sentinels?
Xeenah: A lot of our leads were dried out because of that
Monczeli: Yes, that was always an issue.
Xeenah: Now that we left the Council...
Xeenah: perks an eyebrow
Xeenah: Assembly is technically not affiliated with any of the legacy clans anymore...
Xeenah: ...or what's left of Assembly, heh
Monczeli: I see.
Xeenah: He thought about another line of business that can be lucrative, and very clannish too
Xeenah: chuckles
Monczeli: Oh, really?
Xeenah: Mm hmm
Xeenah: Omni-Tek has a hand down on pretty much all business and transportation inbound and outbound Ka.
Monczeli: Yeah...
Xeenah: That can be a real pain in the ass for some companies or individuals who'd love to get their hands on goods that are tougher to get
Xeenah: Well, tougher if you want to go around OT's monopoly
Xeenah: tilts her head to the side
Monczeli: So...
Xeenah: So, instead of just being idle, we started looking into that
Monczeli: leans in closer and lowers his voice
Xeenah: Kotts would be able to list the specifics, but there are items that are very sought.
Monczeli: Smuggling?
Xeenah: just nods in answer
Xeenah: gives a quick look around, scanning the room

Xeenah: You know how they say...  Don't crap where you eat?
Monczeli: Mhm.
Xeenah: Our eventual clients would be off planet.  At first.
Xeenah: And that...  brings another level of difficulty.
Xeenah: We need a ship.
Monczeli: Right. And it's not just Omni-Tek.
Xeenah: Mm hmm
Xeenah: Well...  To be precise, we kinda have a ship...
Xeenah: I managed to track down Mack
Xeenah: Not directly, but through his assistant, Felina
Monczeli: Oh, yes?
Xeenah: nods
Xeenah: Dunno if you remember his ship?  He called it the Eagle Talon.
Monczeli: Yeah, I think I remember him talking about it, at least.
Xeenah: Mack had to go under, I guess the Spartan program goons got a lead on him, but it's just a guess...
Xeenah: faintly shrugs
Monczeli: nods

Xeenah: Anyway, we got in touch through Felina.  He couldn't fly the Talon, that's one big bird to spot when you're looked for
Monczeli: Won't that be a problem?
Xeenah: So it's been docked for, oh, about a year now?
Xeenah: Not if the ship is sold.
Xeenah: He transferred the ownership to Felina.
Xeenah: She's been safekeeping the Talon since.
Xeenah: That was until I contacted Mack and asked if he'd be interested in selling it, or renting it, or whatnot.
Xeenah: snickers
Monczeli: nods

Xeenah: So, I'm now technically the owner of the Talon.
Xeenah: Price?  'We'll talk about it later', he said.
Xeenah: beams
Xeenah: Does it fly?  I dunno.
Xeenah: We need an engie to run a complete check-up on it.  Two would be better.
Xeenah: Then, I'll need one engie on board for the test flight.
Xeenah: wrinkles her nose
Xeenah: Yeah, it's been too long a time since I didn't pilot such a big bird.
Xeenah: I can't be everywhere at once if somethings goes south...
Monczeli: nods
Monczeli: And, well, there are certain... obstacles.
Monczeli: You're going to want something that runs well to get around those.
Xeenah: Yup.  The ships waiting in orbit for the notum cannon deliveries of notum...
Xeenah: Then the Aliens lurking out there...
Xeenah: Or just plain debris left in orbit.
Xeenah: raises an eyebrow
Xeenah: Oh, and that's if we make it to orbit without trouble.
Xeenah: Omni-Trans might perk an eyebrow.
Xeenah: But...
Xeenah: smiels
Xeenah: smiles too

Xeenah: That can be arranged.
Xeenah: There are many catches along the way, but y'know what?  I like the challenge!
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: Your friendly neighborhood pirates, hehehe
Xeenah: grins broadly
Xeenah: Well, friendly might be pushing it a bit
Xeenah: snickers
Monczeli: grins

Xeenah: Jen heard our project.
Xeenah: We told her about what we had in mind, and to our surprise, she heard us out.
Xeenah: But you know, she's a bit skeptical when it comes to our success.
Xeenah: Not that we can't, but we're too few involved at the moment.
Monczeli: Well, it's not like it'll be easy.
Xeenah: nods in agreement
Xeenah: sips slowly, pensively

Xeenah: Jen recommanded that we'd keep a low profile and fly under the radar for a while, so we can put up the initial stages up without bringing unwanted attention on us.
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: Gathering people first, and make sure they're reliable.
Xeenah: Nothing like what we used to be...
Monczeli: Yeah, that's an important step.
Xeenah: Mm hmm
Xeenah: It also implies we're not gonna be as picky when it comes to picking up people.
Xeenah: But we're not gonna be upholding the Biblical Sentinels Values, right?
Xeenah: faintly scoffs
Monczeli: nods

Monczeli: They can be a little... impractical.
Xeenah: High ideals are nice for Public Relations...  but to get things done...  Exactly.
Xeenah: There's not even a handful of us.
Xeenah: Krish, Kotts and me.
Xeenah: Jen is cautious, she's been on Rubi-Ka long enough to have the right to be, I guess.
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: Don't get me wrong, she'd -love- to see that work out.
Xeenah: But she doesn't want to hold her breath... and risk choking.
Xeenah: If it works, it works.  If we can't have enough people to get this rolling, well...
Xeenah: shrugs faintly
Monczeli: nods

Xeenah: We have our engie, Krish.
Xeenah: We have someone to take care of dealing, who also takes care of some of the paperwork, Isha.
Xeenah: Kotts knows where to find the good stuff.
Xeenah: I can pilot the ship and kick some serious ass if someone tried to double-cross us on a deal.
Xeenah: But with that number, we're not gonna get much business done.
Xeenah: Jen has contacts, that can bring contracts in.
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: leans back on her left palm, locking her elbow, and takes a long sip

Monczeli: Well, you know...
Xeenah: Mmm?
Monczeli: If there's anything I can help with, just say the word.
Xeenah: Word!
Xeenah: smirks
Xeenah: glances at him more attentively

Xeenah: ...Wait, you're serious?
Monczeli: I wouldn't say that jokingly.
Xeenah: Yeah, 'course not...
Xeenah: slowly grins
Xeenah: How serious are you?
Monczeli: Totally.
Xeenah: takes another sip while keeping her eyes on him
Xeenah: Oh?...
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: Well well well...
Monczeli has joined your organization.
Xeenah: taps on her comlink
Xeenah: blinks at it beeps back right away
Monczeli: grins

Xeenah: Holy shit!
Xeenah: bursts out laughing
Xeenah: Cheers!
Monczeli: Cheers!
Xeenah: Hehehe, well, then...
Xeenah: You caught me with my pants down
Xeenah: grins broadly
Monczeli: How so?
Xeenah: I didn't think you'd take me up on the offer, hehe
Xeenah: Holy poop on a stick...  Okay, so that's Krish, you, Kotts and me
Monczeli: Why wouldn't I?
Xeenah: Because we're weak?
Xeenah: bursts out laughing again
Monczeli: For now, but if that's going to put people off helping, that won't change.
Xeenah: nods
Xeenah: Point
Xeenah: We're barely a core, for now.
Xeenah: I don't think things are gonna go fast, but I've seen some names signing back on our gridforum.
Xeenah: There's this odd soldier, the one who pulled me aside after Clan Day...
Xeenah: I didn't get back to him yet, but he wanted to know more.
Xeenah: slightly grins
Monczeli: Yeah, I remember the one.
Xeenah: I'm not too eager to get back to him, seems like one hell of an odd one
Xeenah: I dunno where the hell he's been on Ka, but he claims he's native.
Xeenah: *muttering* ~was prolly locked in a cave, he didn't have a clue of what nanoprograms are...~
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: You should have seen him freak out when we started buffing up...
Xeenah: But he's a soldier, and an extra rifle can always help.
Xeenah: sighs, faintly smiling
Xeenah: I guess I should get back to him, uh...
Monczeli: tilts his head
Xeenah: ...what?
Xeenah: tilts her head too, out of habit
Monczeli: You seem to have misgivings about it. Extra pairs of hands are needed, of course, but...
Xeenah: Old habits.  I'm used to screen people with more strict criterias.
Xeenah: And, I don't like him
Xeenah: chuckles
Monczeli: Hmm, I hope that's not a mistake, then.
Xeenah: If he proves a useful addition, then it's all good.
Monczeli: Time will tell.
Xeenah: Kotts and him won't get along, but that's their business.  If they can do whatever we'll do without Kotts sending him to reclaim ten times a day, it should be enough
Xeenah: snickers
Xeenah: ~Besides, it could be amusing to watch, hehe...~
Xeenah: Hmm, I wonder if the soldier ever heard about reclaim...
Xeenah: giggles at the thought
Monczeli: blinks

Xeenah: Sorry *giggling*  ...I can't help laughing at the thought of him discovering reclaim the hard way after calling Kotts a demon or whatever...
Xeenah: That's a unusual fellow, that much is obvious...
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: Time will tell indeed!
Xeenah: I dunno why he took a shine about Assembly, though.  Maybe because of Clan Day?...  He contacted me after the speeches were done.
Xeenah: shrugs
Xeenah: Hey, are you hungry?
Monczeli: glances down at his muffin
Xeenah: That's an appetizer, there
Monczeli: Yeah, this is a bit light.
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: Real food!
Monczeli: Ah, that sounds good.
Xeenah: There's two places upstairs, or we can go out and find a Mongol Meat or a Bronto Burger.
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: smirks, crossing her arms

Monczeli: Here, I think.
Xeenah: Ah!
Xeenah: grins broadly
Xeenah: jumps on her feet
Xeenah: blinks at the gurgle of her stomach

Xeenah: Err...
Xeenah: Yeah, let's do that, hehe.

They head upstairs and arrive at the intersection between the restaurant and the meat room.

Xeenah: Err, I'm not up for the Meat room...
Xeenah: wrinkles her nose
Monczeli: No... not the most appetising place.
Xeenah: ...only for their ice cream.
Xeenah: grins

They opt for the restaurant and walk in.

Xeenah: Looks like we got the place all for ourselves
Xeenah: takes a menu
Xeenah: ...No, I'm not gonna eat something that glows in the dark, thankyouverymuch.
Xeenah: Aaaah...  That's more like it.
Monczeli: looks down at the Green Bodum-Larga
Monczeli: takes a bite

Xeenah: Why do these fruits have to be so freaking large?...
Xeenah: It's larger than my own head!
Xeenah: ...Oh.  No more hovering chairs.
Xeenah: shrugs
Xeenah: Guess they were due to change the furniture anyway
Monczeli: nods
Monczeli: Hovering chairs were so '81.
Xeenah: gives a hungry look to her Medium Rare Steak Plate
Xeenah: *affected tone*  Yes, were they not?
Xeenah: giggles and engulfs a slightly too large bite, making her look like a squirrel
Xeenah: mmm,  'ah   'ood...
Monczeli: giggles
Xeenah: smirks proudly, her left cheek stretched by the bite
Xeenah: keeps munching and swallows, then sighs of relief

Xeenah: That should shut my stomach up.
Xeenah: Noisy little bugger, hehe
Monczeli: grins
Xeenah: So, whatcha think of our hair brained plan?
Xeenah: digs her fork into the baked potato
Monczeli: I think it has potential.
Xeenah: nods, blowing gently on the steaming hot potato bite
Xeenah: Yeah, and it can be fun too...
Monczeli: Oh, yes.
Xeenah: We got a lead on something that can be a very interesting opening, on the long term, but...  slightly dangerous.
Xeenah: carefully eats the hot bite
Xeenah: blinks

Monczeli: Dangerous?
Xeenah: ...'ah!  'hit!
Xeenah: quickly fans her hand in front of her mouth, her eyes watering up
Xeenah: swallows stiffly, wincing

Xeenah: ~Too hot...~
Xeenah: twists her mouth and tries out the veggies
Xeenah: It's a substance that I heard off
Xeenah: *of
Xeenah: Hard to get a hand on, not easy to import, and potentially deadly.
Xeenah: raises a sarcastic eyebrow
Xeenah: Not sure how good a thread that is, and I'm not sure how the hell we could use that...
Xeenah: There's supposedly a tea, out there...
Monczeli: perks up
Xeenah: notices his reaction, frowning slightly in curiosity

Xeenah: ...what?
Monczeli: coughs
Monczeli: Oh, nothing... Just an automatic reaction to the word 'tea'.
Xeenah: chuckles
Xeenah: Yeah, I had forgotten you're a coffee betrayer, hehe
Xeenah: So...
Xeenah: An acquaintance told me about a tea...
Xeenah: Praising his properties
Xeenah: *its
Monczeli: nods
Monczeli: What properties, exactly?
Xeenah: Purifying and cleaning properties and all, he said it's often cultivated in monasteries.
Xeenah: It didn't really interest me until he started telling me that this tea was to be kept humid at all times.
Xeenah: I asked why, y'know, tea is usually found either in powder or dried leaves...
Xeenah: He said that when it's completely dry, it's highly explosive.
Xeenah: raises an eyebrow
Monczeli: blinks

Xeenah: Needless to say I blinked just like you.
Xeenah: A tad bit skeptical, too
Xeenah: So he goes on, saying that this stuff is always sold as a paste for that reason.
Xeenah: He continued saying that with proper processing, it can even be used as propellant...
Xeenah: slowly grins
Monczeli: Interesting.
Xeenah: That's when he really got my ear.
Xeenah: I did a bit of research, and found that this tea is indeed always sold as a paste.
Xeenah: Well, Isha did the research.  You remember Isha, right?
Monczeli: Yeah, I spoke to her just the other day.
Xeenah: raises her eyebrows
Xeenah: Really?
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: Good, good
Xeenah: So, when she told me that it was sold as a paste, and that it has an expiration date on every small pack, and that it's hard to get...
Xeenah: I started wondering if the guy was more than a nutjob, after all.
Xeenah: checks her comlink
Monczeli: nods

Xeenah: Ah, Krish just dropped by to say hi, he's gotta run
Xeenah: nods, smiling
Xeenah: He's finally decided to claim his late father's shop in Newland, so that we could use it as hangar for the ship
Xeenah: Officially, he's enlisted with Liberty, but he's working closely with us to try pulling things together
Xeenah: When we're ready to keep a not so low profile, he'll jump back with us.
Xeenah: smiels
Xeenah: (( >< ))
Monczeli: Fantastic!
Xeenah: If you can, poke him if you see his com active
Monczeli: nods
Xeenah: He's not the shy engie he used to be, hehe
Xeenah: Oh, he's not turned into a loud mouth, of course! *chuckles*
Xeenah: It's good to have him around
Xeenah: nods
Xeenah: And that *tilts her fork for emphasis* also goes for you
Xeenah: grins
Monczeli: grins

Monczeli: It's good to be back.
Xeenah: smiles
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.