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::Are you interested?::

Started by Xeenah, Apr 03, 2009, 20:47

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The question was brought up quite a few times already since last year: Will Assembly wake up from its dormant status?

It depends.  We closed the doors (but didn't shut and lock them) due to inactivity, mainly.  The question remains: Are people interested enough?

It's not impossible that Assembly may be rekindled, it depends on people.  Unless people manifest their true interest, there's no point in trying to get things back up, with our current numbers.  But if there are people who are truly interested and are willing to contribute to this, then it can become possible.

In other words:

If you want to make this happen, sign up on this forum and show your interest! :D

If you have questions, ask them! :D

Just a sneak peak:
if Assembly is rekindled, it will be different from what you've known. ;)

We're not recruiting in an official manner.  We need to rebuild a solid core first.  Any former member who's interested in getting involved with us is welcome to express their interest!

So, there's no saying if it's gonna happen or not:
it will depend if we have people to get this started,
people with experience in roleplaying,
and people who like the game enough that they don't depend on an org to decide to play.

Now, we can only wait to see if we're entitled to hope for a new beginning.  We already have plans for the future... :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Stated it before, but I'll be official. I'm interested.


Quote from: Kotts on Apr 04, 2009, 04:10
Stated it before, but I'll be official. I'm interested.

Ditto    :D


It should be obvious, but I'm in.
Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead


Pretty sure I stated I was interested. Made a character sitting on noobie island (froob, i be poor and in college). Either way I am more then game.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


So, do I just end conversations or what?

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


heh, no I think we're it. there are a few others I talked to that were interested, but it was one of those "I can't right now though" kinda deals.


Oh hoh?


I'm gonna wait to see if he's gonna axe his way through to here :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Heads up!

This Saturday is Clan Rememberance Day.  A gathering will be held in Wartorn Valley, just outside Old Athen, at 18:00 GMT.

As clerk of the Council, Cherelle Clay will attend, as much as she hates public appearances, and from the looks of it, might even give a speech...  If your character is in the area, encounters might happen :)

Yeah, I'm hinting and no, I'm not even remotely trying to be subtle :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Heh, just what I was thinking needed to happen. Especially if some of us are bringing new characters into this.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


Ah ha!  I like the sound of that :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Monczeli didn't post here, instead, he showed up in game and played the part :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.



Ridgerunner contacted me on this forum, then by an offline message in game, then...

...and then, he wanted in.

"We're small, weak and few.  But we're not quite dead just yet...  And we got some stuff cooking.
— I do want back. And i will sink or swim with it. its all I know sis.
— It will not be the same as it was...  Are you okay with that?
— Things are never the same, found that out few months back when I first came back to Ka, I just want back..."

...and then I sent him an invite and he's with Assembly again :)

Welcome back, bubba :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Welcome back, Ridge! Looking forward to seeing you again. Some day soon, I hope to land back on Ka.
Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead