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Started by Xeenah, Apr 03, 2009, 20:47

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Have I been missed? I know I have missed you guys and gals :)


Yeah, I missed ya'll. Even more as of late.


Yup, you have :) It's been a long time since more than 2 of us could gather :p

I'm starting to think about a Plan.  (Ruh roh!)

More later :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Well damn. You know this story that we wanted to use to rekindle Assembly, and that we started writing about?... (See "Wings" and "Out of the blue...") The storyline with the ship that we bought from Mack and that we were planning to use for smuggling stuff off-planet? Yah, that storyline...

...Well, ARKs came up with a very similar storyline with the ship called the "Why Not". Whether or not it was in the air or they saw our stories, I don't care - ultimately, we're kind of stuck with a problem:

Keeping up with this storyline the way it was originally intended is too similar to what ARKs are doing, so it will be be redundant. Not to mention that we'll be considered like the ones copying ARKs even if we came up with this first. So, I'm looking into solutions.

  • A) To go along this story, providing the crew of the "Why Not" with a spare ship and contributing to enlarge their smuggling activities.
  • B) To act as providers for the crew of the "Why Not", but without the ship part
  • C) Shutting down the storyline
  • D) Any other trait of genius I didn't think of  :wink:

I'm open to comments and suggestions.
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


I got to admit I feel a bit violated... but the Why not crew has been pretty private.
I do think it's possible to carry on with our own. We might even make contact and befriend/make enemies with time. While they were just one ship we were talking about upgradin to a fleet at some point. a long way off mind you but still.

If we inspired them, it not a big deal really. We started this a year ago, and well... nothing happened. Besides Firefly was the inspiration for us. As i see it it's fair game.  :P


Quote from: Kotts on Jul 10, 2010, 02:55
If we inspired them, it not a big deal really. We started this a year ago, and well... nothing happened. Besides Firefly was the inspiration for us. As i see it it's fair game.  :P

If we inspired them, it means we have Good Ideas(tm) :p

And with the current state of things, we can barely provide a crew for 1 ship anyway :wink:

Which is kinda sad, you see, 'cause I believe we had something more open than our previous line of "business", which was a little restrictive considering the circumstances under which we had to operate.

We're not short of ideas, we're short of people :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.