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What are you playing?

Started by Tussa, Apr 15, 2009, 09:35

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This is just a random topic in Social, to break up all the wanna-get-back-together? topics. It's simply only about what kind of games you're playing right now.

Myself, I'm playing mostly consoles. There's extremely little in the world of PC/MMO games that is interesting. With three consoles (Xbox 360, PS3, Wii) at my disposal, most game time goes there, although the really good games are few and far apart. I have to admit I'm liking the Xbox most. Playing Civilization Revolution, Bioshock and various Arcade games nowadays. Also bought some network games on the PS3.

I'm also playing A Tale In The Desert, which is kind of an MMO, but not. There's no combat in it, it's all about tradeskilling and social interaction. It feeds my desire for tradeskilling and resourcing like nothing has since the glory days of SWG, and while it's not a pretty game, and very simple in its construction, I can't help but be addicted to it.

Hoping to get into the Free Realms beta, but I think SOE has something against me, hehe.

And finally, waiting for Sims 3. June can't come fast enough, and I shall be lost to this world once it hits the shelves. :D

So how about you? What do you play these days?
Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead


 :oops:  Currently, I'm not playing a lot of games.  I didn't renew my Warhammer subscription and I'm gonna let my Conan subscription run out.

A couple of months ago, I resumed my activities in the SCA Inc., where my character is a 10th century Norse (still studying to pinpoint the exact provenance).

I'm playing with Photoshop and Dreamweaver, after getting an upgrade for the later (O Joy!) :D  I'm gradually figuring out bits of CSS (I didn't take courses, just dabbed around on the web to learn).

Oh, and I'm playing "hide and seek", "Boo!", "Catch me", "The Plant" and other games with my son :P
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Very little bit of AO here and there, and also picked up FF12... I can't believe I forgot it was out... almost three years ago!


Unless I am working, sleeping, or babysitting, about 95% of my time is spent in AO.  Since I haven't been playing as long as the rest of you, there is still alot for me to see and do.  Heck, I haven't even gotten past Adonis yet.   :D

The other 5% is playing nintendo on an emulator I found.  I don't remember the games being that hard.   :wink:


College dampens a good bit of my time but the free time I do have is mostly spent on AO. Mostly just leveling a new character now and playing the game again (a 2 year break from actually playing and moving to DJ'ing was a good change of pace). That being the case it is pretty much the only thing I play, even with my ps2 being in the dorm with me.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


My friend and his bride-to-be got a Wii-Fit... that son-of-bitch is mean :(

Sims 3 does look cool, though.
I'd love to find an snes emulator too.


the website I found the NES emulator actually has several in the sidebar.  The emulators are up top.  Click around a bit and you'll find everything just fine.   I haven't downloaded the SNES, only the NES.  As far as viruses and computer hasn't blown up yet, so the site can't be all that bad.


You know what I miss?...


They had all these different themes, double and triple deck machines...  They were huge, they made a lot of noise and had tons of light flashing here and there.  I nudged it with my left or right hip (or both, depending) when I had to, or punched my palm.  You could hold onto it.

As a teenager, I've spent a fortune (it's not a matter of speech) in video games and pinballs.  I loved it  :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Update on my current game playing activities.

Haven't be playing AO too much recently with final exams, but that is going to be over later tonight. Anyway AO has started picking up but I also pulled out my good ol' PS2 and began recollecting the Resident Evil series games. My copy of RE1 is busted to hell so plan on getting a new copy of the Directors Cut and Resident Evil 3 (even though that is the worst one in the series). So been playing RE4, Outbreak, Veronica X, and Resident Evil 2 (though that stopped as waiting to get with a friend to finally unlock Tofu).

So yeah hitting the console right now pretty hard just to bring back nastolgic feelings of the days of old.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


looking at the new post reminds me to add this to break the only posting in the forum registration deadlock.

Reinstalled RTW with all the expansions. Not even to play the original game just to get the few mods that are amazing for it (Rome Total Realism, Diadoch TW [amazing simulation of Greek politics], Europa Barbarorum, and Invasio Barbbarorum [for the late empire]). Using EB for a historical recreation of the expansion of the roman empire moded to use the alex.exe engine (better AI), the house rules imposed make it a bit more challenging.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3



I'm currently playing SCA, an educational not-for-profit organization studying the pre-17th century period, focused mainly on Europe (but expanding sometimes as archaeological evidence becomes known).

I have less than a month to create another Norse apron-dress.  Mind you, I'm clueless when it comes to sewing...  Fun times ahead  :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


I have one. But... it's a thrall's dress, so not very good looking, as purposed.
Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead


In our local chapter, two of our members recreated this aspect.  One was the master, the other the thrall.  It was rather funny to see the thrall prompting her master to be a little more demanding on her...  Indeed, he was pulling the chair for her and brought her her food *lol*
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.