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Around for...

Started by Xeenah, May 17, 2009, 19:24

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We used to have a thread for when we were going to be away from the game.

Considering we're a few and scattered, I thought there could be a thread for when we plan to be around.  After all, why not?  I don't think anyone here can be online 24/7 "just in case someone logs on", and popping in for just a few hours without telling anyone doesn't mean that another person will be available at the same time.

So, there :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


I have a flexible (though unpredictable) schedule.

Weekdays (daylight saving time):
Daytime: between 3 pm GMT and 7 pm GMT approximately
Evening: after midnight GMT for about 3 or 4 hours.

Saturday: from 3 pm GMT until 5 am GMT approximately , given there's no CoT on the Saturday.
Sunday: from 3 pm GMT until 7 pm GMT, approximately, then later in the evening,
after midnight GMT for about 3 or 4 hours.

That's the time I get to manage for myself.  In this time span, I put: house keeping, appointments, unexpected Mom Duty Calls and my hobbies/playtime.

Unless something needs to happen at a specific time, I can usually arrange my schedule to fit my choices/needs.

I have alts.  If I'm not on Xeenah, it doesn't mean I'm not on AO...  So, if there is something you'd like to happen involving Xeenah, drop me a message on this forum.

When I'm available to play, I'll be on AIM, poke me on cherelleclay.
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Like Cher, said I have alts and I've been playing them...

That said I check the fourms all the time, like 3-4 times a day. This forum, CoT, or the offical forums are the ones I hit the most. At some point I'll be trying to talk myself into playing Kotts more, but the changes to fixers over the last year, combined with the sheer amount of crap I have to do was overwhelming, and I just need a break, I got so wrapped up in it that I'm detached from Kotts, or have been. I'm slowly coming back though.

It will also help once I get moved out into my own place. right now i get pulled way from the keyboard too much to really get involved in anything, and I feel bad not being able to play/RP more then 10 minutes without having to constantly go ((AFK be back in a sec)).
the time is getting closer!


I don't exactly have a set schedule for the moment, and likely to stay that way for about a week until I get my summer job.

The only time I can really project is into September and that would revolve around my classes. I do check the forums, and from time to time if I am doing something else (Playing Resident Evil) I will sometimes log into AORC or something. Other then that I can't give a definite answer to when I will be on for certain times, it's rather an up in the air thing for me right now.

"Behold, O Man, you can create life. You can destroy life. But, lo, you have no choice but to experience life. And therein lies both your greatest strength and your greatest weakness"
       -Book of Kimla Septima 5:3


During the week (Monday through Friday), I am on when I get home from work, which would be between 7PM GMT to about 10PM GMT....assuming no overtime that night.  Saturday and Sundays (when I don't have to work weekend overtime) I start off about 2AM GMT to 8 or 9 GMT.

Obviously there is Krish, but lately I have been trying to level my Keeper (Calahar, for S10) and from time to time I have Zorlan and Argad.  When I get my second account back, I will also log Golradir quite frequently.


I can be around mostly every weekday, evening European time. Weekends I'm usually busy. I don't log in very often, unless I'm prompted to or invited to something specific, but there's nothing stopping me.

Summer is coming up, and with that, vacation. I'm going to Boston for a couple of weeks this year, as well as a trip back home and probably a weekend in some interesting European city. But it should all be in July.
Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead


Re-edited my message, added a way to contact me through instant message. While I'm in game, I rarely have the forums up at the same time :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Re-re updated my message, with time conversion link added :P  You can't say I didn't put in the effort!  :D
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Been playing alts alot lately. getting another computer soon, and just might recommision my old one to handle AIM, MSN, Skype ect so I can be reached much easier :)


Just wanted to let ya'll know that Hunter roams 'Ka again, along with some alts of his ^^ Drop by and leave a message or something if you'd like :)


I'm back from a busy week: school ending with parents needed, followed by our national day and a visit to my folks..., and some RK4 commitments that had a deadline attached to them. That was fun though :)

I'll be around. If you want to get in touch with us, check the roster if you log on, and add them to your buddy list. If any of them is online, you'll see them pop up :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.