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An old friend lost but found....

Started by Siirine, Aug 21, 2009, 09:41

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((Hey guys,

Many of you may not know me...but perhaps some of you still remember me. I've found my way home at last!
I never realized just how much I missed all of you guys, nor how much I missed Rubi-ka. Hopefully i will run into some of you as I relearn the feel of the world.

-Shana 'Siirine' Denick))


Hi Siirine...
No, I don't believe I have had the pleasure of meeting your acquaintance.  My main is Krishnitt, but you won't see me around until mid-September.  Account is frozen until mid-September, so it shouldn't be that much longer.

Anyway, just thought I would introduce myself and I hope to see you around when I get Krish back in game.  Until then, I have a froob account to prevent withdrawal symptoms.   :D

Nice meeting you!!

Joe...AKA Krishnitt


hia Krishnitt,

Thank you, it's nice to meet you as well! I was wondering if anyone was still around from Assembly. Read a diassappointing messege a few months back about the guild.

In any event, I've been gone so long that its like having to relearn how to play. Been a good 4 years atleast since i loaded up Shana. *chuckles* I've been in tears with the flood of memories....silly i know....but i cant help it..

At first i was on the free account also, so i could relearn how to move and such...well...took me two days of that before i couldnt take it anymore and loaded up the old account. It's like slipping on a old pair of shoes. The feel being familiar and yet new at the same time. Things are coming back slowly, such as implants, buffs, all of that. Super excited about being back! Hoping i can reconnect with old friends and make new ones along the way.

How is the rp on RK1 now adays? is there any going on at all?


I'm not the best one to ask about RP on RK1.  When Assembly disbanded over a year ago, I stopped RP'ing and just concentrated on leveling.  There is still alot to this game that I haven't explored yet.  So I guess you can say I have been out of the loop when it comes to that.  Unless Assembly makes a comeback, I doubt I will RP again.  It just wouldn't feel right.  Assembly was my family, and to RP with others would be like being amongest strangers.

But if you have any questions about implants (or any of the tradeskills, for that matter), feel free to ask...I don't know what time zone you play in, but I am West Coast US time zone and generally can be found online between midnight to 2AM on workdays...7PM to 2AM on non-workdays.  Since I am on my froob account, you can look for Kazgoth or Bachelard.



It's real nice to see old friends come back and say hi on the forums. Some of us are active players still, and some are more in and out on irregular basis, me included. I totally understand what you're saying about relearning the game. I feel I have to do that every time I play again, cause there's always something new added.

Hope to see you around!

Jenae "Tussa" Godfray
President of Assembly
Meta-Physicist, Mindshifter and Redhead


Hello there!

Wow, blast from the past :D  My account is still very much active, though I'm not as much.  RK4 is stacking challenges on my shoulders and I decided that I would face them and win.  So far so good.

It should get better soon (should... will it?  dunno, but hope so), later in September, when my son starts school every day (starting tomorrow) and settles in.  Meanwhile, I'm very much caught up with real life and lots going on that I can't postpone.

Every last Saturday of the month, I'm online for the Council of Truth, and I usually try to stay online after for a good while.  If there's other people to play with, I do so, otherwise I get the post-meeting paperwork done while online.

For the time being, unless someone says "Hey, I'll be on at X:XX, will you be there", I don't log on, in order to catch up with Real Life.  Not that I don't want to, but I have very limited personal time for now.

Speaking of that... ;)

See you soon :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.