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Started by Krishnitt, Jan 03, 2010, 11:51

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I had hoped Assembly would have risen once again by now.  I was hoping for something to spark a renewed interest in AO for me. 

Jo, I am sorry I haven't had the chance to continue our story.  As with most everyone else, Work/Life is very demanding of me.  I was torn between wanting to continue our story, but not wanting to pump a cheap and meaningless story out.  I thought a shot at helping revive Assembly deserved better.

I am about finished with my free month, and I think I may have logged on three times.  RK4 has a stranglehold on me, and as I have stated already....I don't see much online time in the near future. 

I suppose I could find an hour here and an hour there to squeeze in some AO time.  However, I have been on Christmas break for a little over a week now, and only a couple of times did I *want* to log on the game. 

For these reasons, I am signing off for the last time on Sunday (today).  For those that have the option, I will be online with either Krishnitt or Calahar at approximately 7PM (US West Coast) until around Midnight, perhaps 1AM.  I am not closing the door on AO permanently, but my intention is to keep it on the backburner until at least June.

Thanks to Cher and Kotts for getting Krishnitt to Inferno.  If I do come back in June, it will definitely be to see what I can do with the old boy.  *grins*

Take care, everyone!!

Joe...AKA, Krishnitt


The challenges that contributed to the decrease of activity in Assembly are still pretty much present; among them, real life. That's the downside of having mature players - work, families, obligations that come before gaming, as it should be :)

The timezones have been challenging, with a small guild like ours. Another difficulty is finding the time when there will be others around - without setting such a time, it's hard to rely on luck. Either we make our luck or we keep logging in and missing the others. And setting a time is a challenge with the timezones... People have been getting in touch with me around the Council events (either the Rememberance Day, after Council sessions...), because they knew there would be someone online. That's kind of a hint :)

There are several challenges and I have not seen any solution proposed.

I'm still playing Cher, not on a regular basis. Real life has a grip on me as well, however, I'm not done with AO. I'm not done with Xeenah and my other alts. So, I will still be around. I have a couple of things in mind, but I will not act upon certain ones before the others have been tried.

So, I'm gonna be on AO. Not all day long, not every day, maybe not even every week, but I'll still be around.

Take care, Joe, and don't be a stranger :)
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.


Yeah, I said in my last post that I wouldn't be back until June.'s June, ain't it?   :p

I don't see too much activity going on here, so I will take that to mean nothing much has changed.  That's ok.  Jo, would love to continue our story.  I am interested to see where it goes.   :)  Maybe Krish hasn't been in contact because he needed to lay low.  Felt the heat and needed to stay away from the shop so nobody notices anything.  I don't know....I will have to re-read it a few times so I can get the feel of the story again.

Anyway, just wanted say that I am back on 'Ka again.  Hope to see whoever is active again..and soon. 



Quote from: Krishnitt on Jun 01, 2010, 09:53
Yeah, I said in my last post that I wouldn't be back until June.'s June, ain't it?   :p

I don't see too much activity going on here, so I will take that to mean nothing much has changed.  That's ok.

I would check on the AO forums before saying that... Someone at Funcom decided to actively support RP on AO, and has been appointed to this. Soooooo... GLEE!!! I'm having much fun nowadays, I'm not waiting :)

Quote from: Krishnitt on Jun 01, 2010, 09:53Jo, would love to continue our story.  I am interested to see where it goes. :)  Maybe Krish hasn't been in contact because he needed to lay low.  Felt the heat and needed to stay away from the shop so nobody notices anything.  I don't know....I will have to re-read it a few times so I can get the feel of the story again.

Considering what happened in Newland, that makes sense :)

Quote from: Krishnitt on Jun 01, 2010, 09:53Anyway, just wanted say that I am back on 'Ka again.  Hope to see whoever is active again..and soon. 


I'm around every day, not necessarily on Xeenah. I've been wanting to discover other professions and I find that I like AO even more ^_^

Currently, I can log in
between 2 pm and 7 pm GMT
between midnight to 3 am GMT

Obviously, I can't play for these entire stretch of times, but I can usually rearrange my schedule if there's something planned between these times. Send me an email :)

Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.