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Random adventures

Started by Xeenah, May 24, 2010, 07:03

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Ah, gotta love the Temple of the Three Winds. The things some people do in there... *shakes head*

Typical cases:

- People getting butthurt because you ruined their chance to do some epeen slapping.
- People waiting (hoping!) for you die to snatch the loot from a boss.
- The dude who tries to get you flagged so he can gank you when you're trying to take down a boss (GoT, Lien, etc.)

Hopefully, not everyone thinks that pushing others down will get them higher. And those who still think that sinking others will help them float can have a surprise...

In the Guardian of Time room, there was someone, let's call him Randomdude. We asked him if he needed anything from GoT but he said he didn't need anything from GoT without further precisions. GoT respawned, so we started attacking it, looking to get the Guardian Board to drop...

Randomdude: WTH was that?? Why did you attack GoT? I wanted to solo him!
Trox: You said you didn't need anything from him... So, just curious, why are you fighting GoT, then?
Randomdude: I want to see if I'm mastering my class enough so I can proceed.
Trox: Aaaaah..."

[Team] Trox: ...epeen.

[System] Your team can loot these remains.

In Lien's room:

[Team] Trox: Think he wants something from Lien?
[Team] Engie: I don't know. Send a team invite, we'll see

Trox sends a team invite
Randomdude, standing in the corner, just waits; we can see he's not afk.

[Team] Trox: Ah well, anyway. Lien spawned, Ready?

Proceeding to kill Lien. When Lien was about down to half his life, the guy in the corner finally decides to accept the team invite...

[System] Randomdude joined your team.
[System] You kicked Randomdude from team.
[System] Your team can loot these remains.

Still in Lien's room...

[Team] Keeper: This NT keeps running up to me.
[Team] Engie: She's flagged, careful.
[Team] Trox: Heck, as soon as we'll AoE, we'll get flagged...
[Team] Engie: I got flagged.
[Team] Trox: Is she attacking you? No wait, she's sticking to me now.
[Team] Engie: She's trying to get us flagged.
[Vicinity] Trox GROWLS

Trox goes right in the face of MissNT several times, but MissNT kept sticking to Trox. Some people need a clue by four...

After three Legionaires were pulled, Trox did Mongo.

[Team] Trox: Great, now I'm flagged... Oh well, if she tries to gank us, we can take her on.

After killing Legionaires, then Lien spawns.

[Team] Engie: The bitch is nuking us!
[Team] Keeper: Okay, Trox, kill Lien, we're on her case.
[Team] Trox: Did she really think she could pull that one off? Be there in a sec...

Trox keeps fighting Lien, Keeper charged MissNT and Engie sticks the bot on the NT, Keeper charged the NT. The NT takes off, roots the Keeper, then roots the bot. Unfortunately, she had to pop something that protects her but roots her... right next to the bot.

Your team can loot these remains.

Trox finishes killing Lien, not minding the loot, ran right up to the NT and finished her just as she killed the Keeper. The NT logged off.

Engie sent a tell to MissN:

To [MissNT]: (( You've been reported for clan ganking, and I've informed your Org Pres too. BTW, you got killed by poorly equipped RPers. Have a great day. )) MissNT is offline, message has been buffered.

A few minutes later, in the entrance of the Temple, several people looked at us suspiciously: we were flagged, we were three...

Engie: careful, there's an NT running around trying to get people flagged when they AoE.

On a more positive note now.

In Smuggler's Den, a Neutral MA from Wanderers Sanctuary joined our team when we all realized we were after similar objectives. She could have left team after she reached her goal, but instead she stayed and helped us until we all got our quests done. Kudos :) We gridded out after, sparing us the need to go all the way back through the throng of mobs ;)

Sometimes, the surest way to help yourself is to help others...
Quote from: Tussa on May 25, 2006, 09:32
When nuclear holocaust comes and is over, only three things will remain. Cockroaches, Cher and the common cold.